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Fruitcake recipe help


mightybarb - home chef mightybarb
Halifax, Nova Scotia, CA
 about 20 years ago

I'm looking for a white fruitcake recipe from a Kate Aitkens cookbook that was published in the early 40's. My Grandmother used to make this cake and lost the recipe many years ago.
The only thing she can remember is that there was strawberry jam in it. I'd love to make one of these cakes and give her a copy of the recipe for Christmas, so any help would be really appreciated. TIA, Barb.


nitasjewels - home chef nitasjewels

 about 20 years ago

Good Morning :) Don't know if you'll find the recipe that you're requesting at this site or not as I didn't go through all of the fruitcake recipes;however,if its not listed, you may be able to get some assistance doing it. Try this site:

Go to item # 12 for fruitcakes. Good luck!

TeresaAnnF - home chef TeresaAnnF

 almost 20 years ago

I found 85 recipes for white fruitcake on, I'm sure one of them can stand a jam added to them. Good luck.