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Cuban dessert?


desertbloom - home chef desertbloom

 almost 20 years ago

Is there anyone that can help me with a recipe for "CUBAN RICE PUDDING?" I have a request from my son-in-law who is from Cuba and has been asking if i know how to make it. Iwould like to surprise him.Please help me,thanks to all who answer.


 almost 20 years ago

I love Rice pudding and this is a twist of regular rice pudding... in spanish it is called Arroz Con Leche

1/2 cup of rice (rinsed)
1 1/2 cup of water
1 Cinnamon stick
1/2 Lime, rind only (leave in large pieces for easy removal later)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 cups milk
1 can condensed milk
Cinnamon (powdered)

Bring 1-1/2 cup of water to a boil with the lime rind and cinnamon stick. Add the 1/2 cup of rice and reduce heat, simmering the rice until the rice is cooked and has absorbed the water. Remove Cinnamon stick and lime rind. Combine the 4 cups milk, 1 can condensed milk, 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and add to the cooked rice. Simmer this mixture over medium heat, stirring frequently so that it doesn't stick to the bottom and burn (this takes around an hour or so, you must remain vigilant preparing this dessert as it will stick and burn easily, especially when it gets to it's thickened state). Divide into individual serving containers and let cool. Refrigerate and serve sprinkled with cinnamon.

(as a side note make sure that the cooked rice is soft and not crunchy at all... the last thing you want is a cruncy cuban rice pudding... it could chip a tooth :)

TeresaAnnF - home chef TeresaAnnF

 almost 20 years ago

Here are some recipes of various ingredients:


1/2 c. rice
1 1/2 c. water
1 slice lemon rind
1 cinnamon stick
1 can evaporated milk
Milk to add up to 4 c.
1 c. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Wash rice and add water, lemon rind and cinnamon stick until rice is very tender. Add both milks, salt and sugar. Let it cook on slow to medium heat until thickened, approximately 1 hour.

Stir often especially during last 1/2 hour so that it won't stick to the bottom of the pan. Add vanilla. Pour into bowl when done and sprinkle cinnamon over pudding. Refrigerate.



3/4 c. rice
1 cinnamon stick
2 c. water
1 1/4 c. sugar
4 c. milk
2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
2 tbsp. raisins

Soak the rice for 15 minutes in hot water, then rinse in cold water and put to boil with the cinnamon in 2 cups water. When the liquid has been absorbed, reduce the heat.



4 c. milk
3/4 c. rice
1/2 c. sugar
1/4 c. brown sugar
cinnamon stick
1/8 tsp. salt
1 c. water
Cinnamon powder

Cook the rice with the cinnamon and sugar. When the rice is soft, pour the milk in and let it boil. Once it boils, it is ready to be served.



Ground nutmeg
Whole cloves
Whole eggs

For every cup of rice add 2 cups milk. Wash rice and place in heavy iron pot, add milk and sugar. Mix well and cook slowly on medium heat. Stir often and add milk so that it does not stick. When tender add the rest of the ingredients. It is better to add the sugar at this time to help prevent it from sticking. Arroz Con Leche, may be cooked the day before and served cold, or warm, right after cooking. If served hot offer some butter.

These are recipes that we know by heart, so we never need to measure ingredients.