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Yeast conversions


sean - home chef sean
GTA, Ontario, Canada
 about 19 years ago

From the help desk e-mail from Jessica:

I am trying to find out more on the conversion of yeast packets to TBSP or TSP. I have been trying to find out how much yeast equals one packet of yeast, and I can't find it anywhere. Can you help? Thank You!!


Jodinfrank - home chef Jodinfrank

 over 18 years ago

i would like to know the answer to that one i have a bread machine and i dont know how to convert the packets to TBSP or tsp i have bread machine yeast but it doesnt help much if you cant convert it. If anybody knows i would like to know

jehda - home chef jehda

 over 16 years ago

I found the conversion
Convert the usage of dry yeast to compressed yeast and vis versa
Compressed Yeast Active Dry Yeast
Weight Weight Measurement
1 ounce 1/2 ounce 1 1/2 Tbsp.
1 1/2 ounce 3/4 ounce 2 Tbsp.
2 ounce 1 ounce 3 Tbsp.
4 ounce 2 ounce 1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp.
6 ounce 3 ounce 1/3 cup
8 ounce 4 ounce 1/3 cup + 3 Tbsp.
10 ounce 5 ounce 1/2 cup + 2 1/2 Tbsp.
Hope this helps you. I forgot my milk and yeast fermenting over night an am wondering if it is still alive..LOL..
Have a great day.
oh, if you need it this is a link to where I got the information,

jehda - home chef jehda

 over 16 years ago

Sorry new to posting, but I think one package of yeast which is 7 grams or .25 oz would be 2 1/4 teaspoons?
I have tried using this in reciipes and it worked.
Take care