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Italian do do or to to cookies.


jbaker525 - home chef jbaker525

 about 18 years ago

may be spelling it wrong. it is a round chocolate cookies. sounds like toe toe's


Home chef Peanut Patty
Ola, United States
 about 18 years ago


a recipe from ``Il Talismano Della Felicita,'' by Ada Boni.


-- 1 cup hazelnuts

-- 1 cup blanched almonds

-- 1 cup candied orange peel

-- 1 cup candied citron

-- 3 tablespoons cocoa powder

-- 1 teaspoon cinnamon

-- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

-- 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

-- 1/2 cup cake flour

-- 3/4 cup sugar

-- 3/4 cup honey

-- 2 tablespoons butter

-- Powdered sugar

INSTRUCTIONS: Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line bottom and sides of an 8-inch springform pan with lightly greased bakers' parchment.

Place the hazelnuts in 1 baking pan and the almonds in another. Bake about 10 minutes. Remove nuts from oven; reduce oven temperature to 300 degrees.

Rub the hazelnuts in a clean kitchen towel to remove most of the skins. Coarsely chop the hazelnuts and almonds. Cut the orange peel and citron into thin strips. Combine the nuts, fruit, cocoa, spices and flour in a large bowl; toss to coat.

Heat the sugar, honey and butter in a heavy saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Cook until the syrup registers 242 degrees to 248 degrees on a candy thermometer. To test without a candy thermometer, drop a small amount of the syrup into a glass of cold water. It should form a ball.

Mix syrup into dry ingredients, working quickly -- this becomes very sticky very fast. Using a heavy dampened spatula, scrape batter into prepared pan. Bake for 30 minutes (panforte will not be firm). Place pan on a rack to cool.

Remove the panforte from pan and cut into wedges or squares. Dust with powdered sugar.

Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

Yields 16 cookies.

PER COOKIE: 285 calories, 4 g protein, 45 g carbohydrate, 12 g fat (2 g saturated), 4 mg cholesterol, 56 mg sodium, 2 g fiber.

Home chef Peanut Patty
Ola, United States
 about 18 years ago

Chocolate almond cookies (baci di cioccolato)

Yield: 3 servings

These wonderful bite-size chocolate cookies come from the restaurant Coco Pazzo in New York City

and were created by pastry chef Susan Spungen.

6 cups almond flour

4 1/2 cups sugar

1 cup cocoa powder

6 ounces semisweet chocolate, melted

6 tablespoons honey

Dash of vanilla

9 egg whites 1.

Preheat the oven to 350-F.

2. Combine the flour, sugar, and cocoa powder in a large mixing bowl and stir with a wooden spoon to combine.

3. Add melted chocolate and honey and mix well. Add egg whites and mix until a dough is formed.

4. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls, or use a melon baller, onto baking sheets lined with parchment or aluminum foil.

Bake 8 to 10 minutes. They should still be soft when you take them from the oven.

Cool slightly before serving. Serve them warm. Italian Way; Judith Barrett