by Ingredient

Amber ale

About the ingredient amber ale. Including 5 recipes with amber ale.



In Chinese:琥珀啤酒
British (UK) term: Amber ale
en français:ale ambrée
en español:ale ámbar

Recipes using amber ale

There are 5 recipes that contain this ingredient.


Ale Chocolate Frosting

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Great recipe. Make it exactly as is. This is my new standby!


Belgium Ale Devil's Food Cake


Devil's food refers to a dark, dense, chocolate concoction that is usually baked. It is so named because since it is so rich and delicious it must be "sinful." Devil's food usually has a greater proportion of chocolate than regular chocolate cake. This recipe comes from Lynne , a chef who owns the Victoria House Bed & Breakfast in Spring Lake, NJ. For a gourmet B&B check them out at .net.


Vortex Firehouse Chili

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1 Gallon Recipe

All 5 recipes

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