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Mc calls beef burgundy gravy


 about 13 years ago

- pls help if any one has recipe


Home chef Peanut Patty
Ola, United States
 about 13 years ago

Beef Bourguignon

About the recipe

In the 1970's McCall's magazine came out with a collection of collectible recipe cards. This recipe comes from that set and has been a family favorite ever since. We still have the original card (and collecting box). Pictures

coming soon.

Butter or margarine
2.5 lb boneless beef chuck, cut in 1.5 inch cubes
3 Tablespoons brandy
1/2 lb small white onions, peeled (about 12)
2.5 Tablespoons potato flour
2.5 Teaspoons meat-extract paste (not liquid)
2 Tablespoons tomato paste
1.5 Cups Burgundy
3/4 Cup dry sherry
3/4 Cup ruby port
1 Can (10.5 ounces) condensed beef broth, undiluted
1/8 Teaspoon pepper
1 Bay leaf
Equipment Needed

Dutch oven with tight-fitting lid.
Small saucepan
Oven, with rack low enough to accomodate the dutch oven inside.

Recipe Instructions

Slowly heat 4 quart Dutch oven with tight-fitting lid. Add 2 Tablespoons butter; heat, but do not burn.
In hot butter, over high heat, brown beef cubes well, using a fourth at a time, or just enough to cover bottom of Dutch oven.
Lift out beef as it browns. Continue until beef is browned, adding more butter as needed. Return beef to Dutch oven.
In a small saucepan, heat 2 Tablespoons brandy just until vapor rises. Ignite, pour over beef. As flame dies, remove beef.
Add 2 Tablespoons butter to Dutch Oven; heat slightly. Add onions; cook over low heat, covered, until onions brown slightly. Add mushrooms; cook, stirring, 3 minutes. Remove from heat.
Stir in flour, meat-extract paste and tomato paste until well blended. Stir in Burgundy, sherry, port and broth.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Bring wine mixture just to boiling, stirring. Remove from heat. Add beef, pepper, and bay leaf; mix well.
Bake, covered, stirring occasionally, 1.5 hours, or until beef is tender, adding remaining brandy, little by little.

Serving Recommendations

Serves 6
Remove Bay leaf before serving
Stores well for several days (we've stored it for up to 7 days)
Reheating Recommendations

This recipe reheats well in microwave or on stovetop



2-1/2 # boneless beef chuck
butter or margarine
3 T brandy
1/2 # small onions, peeled, about 12 (I use
regular cut up and taste is fine)
1/2 # small fresh mushrooms (I use close to
a #)
2 1/2 T potato starch (Red Mills makes this
is in the specialty grains section, but I
used cornstarch the first time)
2 to 2 1/2 t. meat-extract paste OR beef
soup base (NOT bouillon)
2 T tomato paste
1 1/2 c Burgundy
3/4 c dry sherry
3/4 c ruby port
1 can (10.5 oz) condensed beef broth,
undiluted (Campbell's makes it)
1/8 t. pepper
1 bay leaf

1 - Wipe beef w/ paper towels, cut into 1
1/2" cubes. Slowly heat 5qt Dutch oven with
tight fitting lid. IN 2 T butter, over high
heat, brown beef well all over, about a 1/4
at a time, enough to cover bottom of pan.

2 - Turn beef w/ tongs, lift out as it
browns. Continue til all is browned, adding
more butter as needed (this takes about 1/2
hour). Return all beef to Dutch oven. IN
small saucepan heat 2 T brandy (yes just 2
of the 3) just until vapor rises. Ignite and
pour over beef.

3 - As flame dies, remove beef cubes to
another pan (anything they'll fit in). Add 2
T butter to Dutch oven, heat. Add onions,
cook over low heat covered, until onions
brown slightly, stirring occasionally. Then
add mushrooms; cook, stirring, 3 minutes.

4 - W/slotted spoon, remove onions and
mushrooms. Remove Dutch oven from heat.
Using a wooden spoon, stir in potato starch,
meat paste and tomato paste until well
blended. Stir in the burgundy, sherry, port,
andbeef broth. Preheat oven to 350°F.

5 - Bring wine mixture in Dutch oven just to
boiling, stirring, remove from heat. Add
beef, pepper, bay leaf, onions, mushrooms,
and last T of brandy. Mix well. Place a
large sheet of waxed paper over top and
place on lid. Bake covered at 350°F.

6 - Stir occasionally., Cook 1 1/2 hours or
until beef is very tender.

Do all this the day or 2 days before. Gently
reheat on day of serving. If needed, add
burgundy to thin sauce, but we've never had
to do that.

From McCall's Cooking School

McCalls Beef in Burgundy
with Gnocchi, page 46

Chive-Buttered Julienne Carrots
Green-Salad Bowl
Hot Cheese Rolls
Pears Sabayon, page 46
Assorted Cookies

1/4 cup butter or
1/4 cup salad oil
1 1/4 lb small white
4 lb chuck, trimmed,
cut in 2-inch cubes
2 1/2 tablespoons potato
flour, or 14 cup
unsifted all-purpose
1 teaspoon meat-extract
1 tablespoon tomato
3 cups Burgundy
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2 bay leaves
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon dried
marjoram leaves
4 parsley sprigs
3/4 lb mushrooms,
Chopped parsley

1. Preheat oven to 325F.
2. In 4-Quart Dutch oven, heat butter and
oil. In fat, saute onions 5 minutes; remove.
3. Add beef, a third at a time, to fat; brown
well on all sides, and remove.
4. Remove Dutch oven from heat; discard
all but 1 tablespoon fat. Stir in the flour, meat-
extract paste, and tomato paste until smooth.
5. Gradually add Burgundy, stirring until
smooth. Then add beef, pepper, herbs, parsley
sprigs, and mushrooms, stirring until well
6. Bake, covered, 11/2 hours.
7. Add onions; bake 1 hour longer, or until
meat is tender. Sprinkle with chopped parsley.
Serve with Gnocchi, page 46.

1 pkg (8 oz) refrigerator
butterflake rolls
3 tablespoons butter or
margarine, melted
1/3 cup cup packaged grated
American cheese

1. Preheat oven to 37SF.
2. Separate dough into 12 rolls. Coat each
completely with butter, then with cheese; bake
as package label directs. Serve hot.


McCalls Beef in Burgundy with Gnocchi (made with mustard)
Posted by Sherry on April 11, 2005, 5:59 pm, in reply to "McCalls Beef in Burgundy with Gnocchi (made with mustard)"

Re: McCalls Beef in Burgundy with Gnocchi (made with mustard)


1/2 cup butter or
1 cup sifted allurpose
1 teaspoon salt
4 eggs
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
1/4 cup butter or
margarine, melted

Bengal Curry
Curry Accompaniments
Pineapple Rice
Baked Tomato Halves
Hot Buttered Rolls
Chocolate-Rum Cake

1. In large saucepan, bring 1 cup water with
butter to boiling. Remove from heat.
2. With spoon, beat in flour, gait.
3. Return to low heat. Continue beating until
mixture forms ball.
4. Remove from heat; beat in eggs, one at a
time, beating vigorously after each addition.
Continue beating until dough is satiny. Stir in
mustard and cheese.
5. Turn into large pastry bag, using a large,
plain tube.
6. Fill 2-quart saucepan with water. Bring to
boiling. Reduce heat.
7. Pipe cream-puff mixture in a stream into
hot water, cutting into 1-inch lengths as it
drops into water. Gnocchi will rise to top as
they are cooked. Drain well.
8. Arrange in shallow baking dish. Pour
melted butter over top; run under broiler about
3 minutes, or until golden-brown.