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American terms?


sean - home chef sean
GTA, Ontario, Canada
 over 19 years ago

Helpdesk email from Bonnie:

Can you give me the american term for these ingredients? Thanks!

Quark Cheese
Musconado sugar
porriage oats
fromage frais
Laughing cow lite


nitasjewels - home chef nitasjewels

 over 19 years ago

Will do the best I can. Here goes!

Quark cheese-a soft, spreadable German cream cheese that has a tangy flavor;the texture can be spreadable to firm;most often used on crusty bread or bagels.

Musconado sugar-not familiar with but suspect its a brand name of sugar

Porridge oats- 2 different things; you use the oatmeal flakes to make a porridge(soupy)

fromage frais-its a creamy soft fresh white cheese made with whole or skimmed milk & cream; consistency is like cream cheese; normally found in France but MAY possibly find in some of the exclusive,well stocked specialty stores in the U.S.

Canderal-a powdered sweetner(equivalent to Equal product; saw in Mexico; have never seen in U.S. but its possible you can find in store that caters to certain ethnicities

Maltesers- is a brand of candy(from England); malted milk balls like Whopper brand here

Laughing cow lite-Laughing cow is also a brand; a cheese product

Quorn- Quorn is also a brand name; made with mycoprotein, from the fungi family; a relative of mushrooms, truffles