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cheryl40 - home chef cheryl40

 almost 18 years ago

I am looking for a yummy lavender frappe for my daughters wedding. We found someone who makes it but it is $9 a gallon and I figure I could make it myself. Anyone have an idea?


Home chef Peanut Patty
Ola, United States
 almost 18 years ago


(Makes 8 servings)

1 can (8 ounces) frozen Concord grape juice concentrate, thawed and undiluted

1 can (6 ounces) frozen apple juice concentrate, thawed and undiluted

3 cups water

1/4 cup lemon juice

In bowl or pitcher, combine all ingredients and blend thoroughly. Pour into freezer container and freeze until mushy. Beat with a fork and return to freezer. Freeze until firm. Scoop into glasses to serve.

cheryl40 - home chef cheryl40

 almost 18 years ago

how would this work for a wedding in a punch bowl? Would you just put it in frozen when the wedding starts and let it start to thaw. Thanks by the way. It sounds good.