by Ingredient

Fruit cake mixture

About the ingredient fruit cake mixture. Including 2 recipes with fruit cake mixture.



In Chinese:水果蛋糕混合
British (UK) term: Fruit cake mixture
en français:mélange de gâteau aux fruits
en español:frutas mezcla de la torta

Recipes using fruit cake mixture

There are 2 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Bread-machine Panettone

Bread-machine Panettone

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This recipe comes from Italy by way of Argentina. Maxwell Mowry of Charleston got this recipe when he lived in Buenos Aires in the early l970s. Since there are more people of Italian ancestry in Argentina than of Spanish ancestry, it is not surprising to find panettone there, where it is called in Spanish pan dulce, meaning 'sweet bread.' At Christmas in Argentina, pan dulce is eaten accompanied by sparkling apple cider. Houseware shops in Argentina sell special tall cylindrical springform pans to bake the pan dulce, but an empty, greased 1-pound coffee can may be used.

All 2 recipes

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