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Skaarup's fudge


Home chef Peanut Patty
Ola, United States
 about 19 years ago


(c) 1997 T. P. Skaarup, original recipe. May be copied unaltered. All rights reserved.

A favorite with the kids! Made the same as Skaarup's Fantasia Fudge but with three small difference:

(1) Omit the unsweetened chocolate,

(2) add 1 1/2 to 2 cups of miniature marshmallows, and (3) a different way of mixing of the Helpers just before casting.

1/2 cup butter

2 1/2 cups sugar (extra-fine granules)

5 oz. evaporated milk (one small can)

12 oz. Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips (Hershey'sâ„¢ or Nestleâ„¢)

2 cup miniature marshmallows (about half a bag)

7 oz. marshmallow cream (1 jar kraftâ„¢ marshmallow creme)(may substitute 2 cups mini-marshmallows)

1 cup walnuts (chopped)

1 tsp. vanilla extract

Line a 9" x 9" pan with aluminum foil and set aside. Place chocolate chips, vanilla, and marshmallow cream into a 3-quart saucepan and set aside. Chop walnuts and set aside. Heat milk at Medium setting until warm then add sugar. Bring to a rolling boil (Medium-High), stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Continue to boil for 7 full minutes -or- if using a candy thermometer continue boiling until the boiling temperature reaches 235degreesF but do not exceed 9 minutes rolling boiling total. Remove from heat and add butter. Stir until dissolved (but no more than 30 seconds)

Pour hot mixture over chocolate chips, vanilla, and marshmallow cream without scraping the sides of the hot saucepan. Mix until the chocolate is melted. Add walnuts and mix again. Immediately before casting add the mini-marshmallows, fold in 2-3 times (edges of marshmallows will start to melt), then cast into prepared pan. Not all of the mini-marshmallows will be covered with the fudge mix. Cool at room temperature. Chill in refrigerator prior to cutting. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares.

Any Variation (see above) can be used to create Rocky Road Fudge. White Rocky Road?!? Experiment.

If you're concerned about your mini-marshmallows might melt too fast (they won't) then you can put the marshmallows covered in the refrigerator. Take out of the refrigerator immediately before mixing. You can also cover any exposed marshmallows with your wooden spoon following casting.

All the marshmallow creme and mini-marshmallows make this recipe very sensitive to too much sugar. Be sure to limit your sugar to a maximum of 2.5 cups.

Some prefer a smoother texture marshmallow instead of the mini-marshmallows. If you want a marbled, creamy variation, make as usual but instead of 2 cups of mini-marshmallows, mix in 7 oz. of marshmallow cream immediately before casting. Fold over 3-5 times then cast. Will need to be cut when cool then refrigerated so that the marshmallow cream won't run (runs at room temperature).


(c) 1997-8 T. P. Skaarup, original recipe. May be copied unaltered. All rights reserved.

This is a medium chocolate potato fudge with creamy texture. Change the chips to get different flavor variations.

4 tbsp butter (half stick)

2 cup sugar

1/4 cup corn syrup

5 oz evaporated milk

1 cup instant potatoes (see below for other potato preparations)

1/4 tsp salt

6 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips (1 cup or half a bag)

1 tsp vanilla

Line a 9" x 9" pan with aluminum foil and set aside. Prepare the potato concoction and set aside.

Heat milk at Medium setting until warm then add sugar, salt, and corn syrup. Bring to a rolling boil, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Continue to boil for about [5] full minutes then add the potato preparation (see below), mix. Bring back to a boil for [3] full minutes -or- if using a candy thermometer continue boiling until the boiling temperature reaches 234degreesF. [Total of 8 minutes of boiling or until 234degreesF is reached.]

Remove from heat and stir remaining butter and chocolate chips. Stir in vanilla.

Mix thoroughly and cast into prepared pan. Cool at room temperature. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares.

Preparation of the Potato
This recipe calls for 1 cup of instant potatoes. However, if you add these dried spuds to the boiling mixture the instant potatoes will not be dissolved by the small amount of moisture in the sugar syrup... but if you add water the fudge can fail. So this is how I prepare the potatoes for addition to the boiling sugar mixture:

Instant Potatoes - In a glass measuring cup I add the dried potato flakes, half the butter, and a small amount of milk. I then microwave until warm, stir, and add very, very small amounts of milk until the instant potatoes are creamy. Use the least amount of milk necessary to dissolve the dried potatoes. The new volume will be smaller than 1 cup.
Mashed Potatoes - If you have mashed potatoes (leftovers or sold frozen in a bag), bring 3/4 cup to room temperature, add half the butter, and heat in the microwave until creamy.

Raw Potatoes - Take one medium sized potato, remove the skin, and place in a pot of boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Remove, drain the water, let cook somewhat then mash with a fork. Take about 3/4 cup of the freshly mashed potatoes, add half the required butter, and cream.

Baked Potatoes - One quick and easy way to get sufficient potato is to buy a baked potato (e.g. Wendy's Sour Cream and Chive potato - ask to hold the sour cream and chive, butter on the side). Dig out the insides of the potato until you have about 3/4 cups worth. Add half the required butter, and cream.

Creaming the mixture is important if you don't want little goobers of potato to pop up in the fudge.

Flavor Variations
Different chips may be substituted for the semi-sweet chocolate chips. This recipe has a richer taste with Milk Chocolate Chips (my opinion). White Chips may also be used. Butterscotch chips? Peanut Butter? The possibilities are endless.

Some Discussion
From this website you've learned that "water is the enemy of fudge." Adding potatoes brings water with it. If you just added dried instant potatoes, the fudge would set wonderfully, but you'd also have a fair amount of undissolved potato flakes. If you use boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, or baked potatoes then you're bringing additional water to the sugar solution which could destroy the fudge. For this reason, I have you add the potato mixture a little after half the boil... to help release the water and evaporate it away. Using a candy thermometer is probably best for this recipe since you (and I) can't control the amount of potato water brought to the fudge. The Boiling Point method (thermometer) doesn't care and will tell you when to stop.

REMARK: This makes a firm chocolate fudge which is sweet, salty, and has a noticeable flavor of potatoes. I liked it, my kids liked it... my wife shook her head and didn't want seconds. This fudge, after all, will taste a little like potatoes. If you don't like potatoes, you probably won't like potato fudge. It IS a unique experience. I balk however at using Peanut Butter chips.


(generic I)

3 oz Unsweetened chocolate

3 tbsp Butter or regular margarine

1/3 cup Unseasoned mashed potatoes

1 tsp Vanilla

1 ds Salt

1 lb Confectioners sugar

1 to 2 tsp Milk

Flaked coconut

Chopped walnuts

Melt chocolate and butter in saucepan over low heat. Remove from heat. Add mashed potatoes, vanilla and salt. Mix well. Sift confectioners sugar into large bowl. Add chocolate mixture, mixing well. Mixture will be crumbly. Add 1-2 tsp milk, if necessary, to make a mixture that can be kneaded. Turn out on board and knead until smooth. Shape mixture into two rolls, 12 inches long and 1-1/4 inch in diameter. Roll in coconut or walnuts. Cut into 1/2 inch thick slices. Makes 48 pieces.

(generic II)

3 oz Cooking chocolate, softened and melted (or 1/2 cup chocolate chips)

2 tbsp Butter or margarine

1/2 cup Cooked, potatoes, mashed

1 lb Confectioners' sugar

1 tsp Vanilla

dash Salt

Put mashed potatoes into a mixing bowl. Add soft butter and mix. Add confectioners' sugar, mix well. Add vanilla to melted chocolate, then add with salt to the mashed potato mix. Chill. Coconut may be added. Cut into bars or squares.


Original recipe. (c) 1997 T. Skaarup. May be copied without modification. All rights reserved.

Quick and easy way to make Dark, Medium, and Light Chocolate Fudge, Vanilla Fudge, Peanut Butter Fudge, Butterscotch Fudge, or just about any other flavor of which you can think.

Most of my recipes call for marshmallow creme (an easy source of egg whites and corn syrup). If marshmallow creme is not available in your area they you may substitute mini-marshmallows. Substitute 2 cups of mini-marshmallows for 7 ounces (1 jar) of marshmallow creme.


This recipe is an original "Lunatic Fudge" variation of Mamie Eisenhower Fudge. It's simple to make, sets up very nicely without refrigeration, and has an excellent taste and texture. Don't be surprised if your friends tell you this is the best fudge they've ever had in their life. Honest. All I ask is that you don't modify this recipe, change it's name, or remove my copyright.

[Note: this makes A LOT of fudge, use a very large saucepan for boiling.]

1/4 cup Butter (1/2 stick, chilled)

4 3/4 cup Sugar (Granulated)

12 oz Evaporated Milk (one large can)

12 oz Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips (one bag, 2 cups)

11.5 oz Milk Chocolate Chips (one bag, 2 cups)

13-14 oz Marshmallow Creme or Marshmallow Fluff (two 7 oz. jars)

(may substitute 4 cups of mini-marshmallows)

2 cup Nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds, chopped -or- 8 oz. bag)

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1 tsp Imitation Butter Flavor (optional)


Line a 13" x 9" pan with aluminum foil, butter the insides, and set aside.

Place chips, vanilla and butter flavor, about half the marshmallow creme, chilled butter, and nuts into a LARGE saucepan or Pyrex glass dish and set aside (or in the refrigerator). Use Medium heat to bring the milk and sugar to a rolling boil while stirring constantly with a wooden spoon or single stem hand mixer. Add marshmallow creme - fold in - the boil will stop.

Bring back to a rolling boil and continue to boil for [8] full minutes by the clock (start timing once all the marshmallow has completely dissolved and the boil has resumed). Use the lowest flame possible to keep the rolling boil. The mixture will expand and start to turn brown during the boil. If you get brown flakes in the mixture then turn down the heat a little and continue stirring.

Remove from heat and pour hot mixture over chips, vanilla, butter, butter flavor, and nuts without scraping the sides of the hot saucepan. Mix thoroughly and pour into prepared pan. Cool 2-3 hours at room temperature. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares.

Store in an airtight container with wax paper dividers for up to 2 weeks. Makes about 4 pounds of fudge.

- See Notes -

NOTES: * THE STUFF GROWS: After adding the marshmallow creme and butter to the hot milk/sugar solution, the volume will expand to almost twice the original volume. So use a sufficiently large sauce pan (4 quart or better). As the boil continues, the volume will begin to contract. Stirring is important to help distribute the heat throughout the mixture and prevent scorching. Remember, this recipe calls for two [2] sauce pans... one to boil and one to mix.

* YOU CAN SUBSTITUTE: If you don't have access to Milk Chocolate Chips then you may use 24 oz. of semi-sweet chocolate chips - though it has a stronger chocolate taste. Two large Hershey bars (7 oz each) will more than substitute for the Milk Chocolate Chips. You can also use 24 oz. of White Chips for an excellent Vanilla Fudge. Don't be shy about substituting mini-marshmallows for the marshmallow creme.

* MAKE HALF A BATCH: You may cut the recipe in half (using exactly 1/2 the amount of everything) but the boil time must be reduced to [5] full minutes by the clock. I would also recommend a 9" x 9" pan. You can also substitute 5 oz. of evaporated milk (one small can) for 6 oz. (half a large can).

* PERSEVERE: This is a much more liquid mix (more 'soupy') than other fudge recipes and you might get discouraged midway. Keep going. I've nearly given up several times only to have it set extremely well once cast.

* NERVOUS NELLY: If you're afraid this won't set (and it will) or if you just want a more firm fudge then bring the milk and sugar to a rolling boil for a full minute before adding the marshmallow. During the second boil (after the marshmallows are dissolved) go for 9 or 10 minutes. This will set very quickly and be a much firmer fudge.

* DON'T PANIC: If you use a candy thermometer (and this recipes *does not call for a candy thermometer*) the temperature will not reach the normal 232-236degreesF found in other fudge recipes. It will attain something around 220-224degreesF. Don't panic! This is a whole different way of making fudge. The mixture will set once cast.

* STORAGE: Fudge will keep for up to two weeks at room temperature. You'll need to store it wrapped in waxed paper (cut it up into reasonable segments) and in an airtight container. Fudge will keep frozen for up to six months. When freezing fudge you'll need to wrap in waxed paper, store in a double-airtight containter. I use double freezer Baggies. Thaw fudge at room temperature in its air-tight container... it will take most of one day.

* SOFTNESS: This produces a medium-hard fudge. If you prefer a softer fudge (or if the weather is especially dry on the day you make the fudge... like snowing or you live in the desert) then boil for only [7] minutes instead of the recommended [8] minutes. Conversely, if you'd like a firmer fudge (or if the weather is especially damp on the day you make fudge) then boil for [9] minutes instead of the recommended [8] minutes.

NOTES: SEE'S CANDY VARIATION: * SPLIT THE MARSHMALLOW CREME* Add half the marshmallow creme to the hot mixture (one of the two 7 oz. jars) when called for. Splitting the amount helps keep the texture creamy and give it a more "fluffy" texture. When the boil is complete add the butter, chocolate chips, butter flavor, nuts, and vanilla directly to the hot slurry and mix until mostly melted (but no more than 30 seconds). Now dispense the remaining marshmallow creme onto the surface and fold in several times - but not completely mixed. Let sit for about 3 minutes undisturbed. Now stir like crazy to dissolve any unmelted chips and marshmallow creme. Turn out into waiting pan.


Original recipe. (c) 1997 T. Skaarup. May be copied without modification. All rights reserved.

1 tbsp. butter

2 cup sugar

1/2 cup light cream (or half-and-half)

1/2 cup milk

1 tbsp. corn syrup (light)

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1/2 tsp. salt

Prepare a 2 quart sauce pan using a non-stick vegetable spray. Combine sugar, milk, cream, syrup and salt in sauce pan and cook at medium heat until it boils. Stir gently and continue to boil at lowest heat (Med to Med-High) until boiling temperature reaches 236-238degreesF. Remove from heat and add butter, stir gently, then let sit without stirring. When cools to a lukewarm (roughly 110degreesF) beat vigorously until it begins to lose it's gloss (5-10 minutes). Spread into loaf pan (8" x 4"). Double recipe to make enough to fill an 8" x 8" pan. Score when warm and cut when cool.
Makes about 1 pound.

Opera Fudge serves as the backbone for a wide variety of popular non-chocolate fudges. A couple variations include:


Almond Fudge
Add 1/4 tsp. almond extract before spreading. Add 1/2 cup sliced almonds immediately before casting.

Cherry Fudge
Add 1/4 cup chopped candied cherries immediately before casting. (Candied cherries are significantly drier than Maraschino Cherries. If you're going to use Maraschino Cherries first cut them into 1/8th's and let sit out overnight to dry.)

Rum Raisin Fudge
Add 1/4 tsp. rum extract when you add the butter. Add 1/2 cups raisins immediately before casting. Separate the clumps of raisins while measuring.

Peanut Butter Fudge
Add 2-3 cups (16-24 oz.) of chunky peanut butter (I prefer Jif or Skippy) when you add the butter.

Cappuccino Fudge
Add 2-3 heaping teaspoons of instant cappuccino mix (like General Foods's International Flavors) right after the butter. leigh at to reply, remove "spamdeath" from above address I wish spammers were sorry for the inconvenience.


Home chef Peanut Patty
Ola, United States
 about 19 years ago

Original recipe. (c) 1997 T. Skaarup. May be copied without modification. All rights reserved.

This recipe is a "Lunatic Fudge" variation of Opera Fudge (Bordeaux Fudge). This recipe is the backbone for all my non-chip based fudges.

1/4 cup butter or margarine (1/2 stick)

2 1/2 cups granulated sugar

2/3 cup evaporated milk (or small 5 ounce can)

6 to 7 ounces Marshmallow Creme or Marshmallow Fluff (may substitute 2 cups of mini-marshmallows)

1 cup nuts (optional; walnuts, almonds or pecans)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon salt

Line a 9-inch square pan with aluminum foil and set aside. Set butter aside to warm.

Heat milk at medium setting until warm then add sugar and salt. Bring to a rolling boil (medium-high) while stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Add Marshmallow Creme. Bring back to a boil for 5 full minutes by the clock (start timing once the boil resumes).

The mixture will start to turn brown during the boil. If you get brown flakes in the mixture then turn down the heat a little.

Remove from heat and add vanilla, butter, salt, and nuts; mix thoroughly and pour into prepared pan. Cool at room temperature. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares.


Opera Fudge (Bordeaux) was one of the first Fudge Recipes in the world. Fudge, an American Invention, was created in the mid-late 1800's in Women's Colleges. "Vassar Fudge," "Wellesly Fudge," and others were popular. The addition of melted chocolate was what totally changed everything and was the origin of all modern flavored fudges. This recipe is my original "lunatic" variation of Opera Fudge. I hope you like it.

This recipe acts as the backbone of all kinds of non-chocolate based fudges. Reduce the vanilla extract and add maple extract and you have Maple Fudge. Add Rum Extract + Raisins and you have Rum-Raisin Fudge. This recipe is light and sweet and will accept almost any flavor you give it.

xperiment with flavors available at the turn of the century... add 2 cups of ground almonds... add 2 cups dried fruits and nuts... taste the confection your great grandparents used to eat!

Since this recipe will take up almost any flavor you can go wild. For example, try the following variation: omit vanilla extract, add 1 tsp lemon extract, zest from 2 lemons, and add 1/2 package of Kool-Aidâ„¢ Kiwi-Lime mix... voila! Kiwi-Lime Opera Fudge. The WILD variations are endless.


Original recipe. (c) 1997 T. Skaarup. May be copied without modification. All rights reserved.

2 tbsp butter or margarine (1/4 stick)

2 1/2 cup sugar

2/3 cup evaporated milk (or one small 5 oz can)

6 oz white chips (1/2 package)

7 oz marshmallow creme or marshmallow fluff

3/4 cup pumpkin puree (e.g., libby's solid pumpkin)

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

Line a 9" x 9" pan with aluminum foil and set aside.

Heat milk and sugar over MEDIUM heat in a 3 quart saucepan; bring ring to a boil while stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon.

Add the pumpkin puree and cinnamon and bring back to a boil. Add the marshmallow and butter to the hot pumpkin mixture - the whole mixture will expand as the marshmallow heats so be careful the saucepan is large enough. Bring the whole mixture back to a rolling boil stirring occasionally for eighteen [18] minutes by the clock (start timing once the rolling boil resumes). If you have a candy thermometer the boiling point will be about 240degreesF (firm-ball stage). If you get brown flakes in the mixture then turn down the heat a little.

Remove from heat and add vanilla chips and vanilla extract. Stir until creamy and all chips are melted. Pour into prepared pan. Cool. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares.

NOTE: Pumpkin brings a lot of water with it and water can ruin fudge so the boil must be extended dramatically (from about 5 minutes to 18 minutes) to reduce the total amount of water. Even with the extended boiling time the fudge may still require refrigeration.

NOTE: 1 cup of walnuts may be added if desired.

NOTE: This mixture gets very, very hot and splatters when boiling. Keep a towel handy to wipe any hot mixture off should it splatter on the cook.


(c) 1997 T. Skaarup. Original recipe. May be copied without modification. All rights reserved.)

1/4 cup butter or margarine (1/2 stick, chilled)

2 1/2 cup sugar

2/3 cup evaporated milk (or small 5 oz can)

10 to 12 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips -or-

milk chocolate chips -or-

chocolate mint chips -or-

white chips -or-

peanut butter chips -or-

butterscotch chips (1 package)

6 to 7 oz marshmallow creme or marshmallow fluff (may substitute 2 cups of mini-marshmallows)

1 cup walnuts or pecans (chopped)

1 tsp vanilla extract

Line a 9" x 9" pan with aluminum foil and set aside.

Place flavor chips, vanilla, and nuts into a 3-quart saucepan or Pyrex glass dish and set aside. Set butter aside to warm. Heat milk at Medium setting until warm then add sugar. Bring to a rolling boil (Medium-High) while stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Add marshmallow creme. Bring back to a boil for [5] full minutes by the clock (start once the boil resumes). Use the lowest flame possible to keep the rolling boil.

The mixture will start to turn brown during the boil. If you get brown flakes in the mixture then turn down the heat a little.

Remove from heat and add the butter. Mix until butter is melted then pour hot mixture over chips, vanilla, and nuts without scraping the sides of the hot saucepan. Mix thoroughly and pour into prepared pan. Cool at room temperature. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares.

*NOTE: If you want Peanut Butter Fudge but don't want/have peanut butter flavored chips, use 1 cup of real peanut butter (Skippy or Jif and reduce the butter to 1/8 cup (1/4 stick).


(c) 1997 T. P. Skaarup, original recipe. May be copied unaltered. All rights reserved.

1/2 cup butter

2 1/2 cup sugar (extra-fine granulated preferred)

5 oz. evaporated milk (one small can)

12 oz. white chips (nestle, hershey, guittard, etc.)

6 to 7 oz. marshmallow creme/fluff (1 jar) (may substitute 2 cups mini-marshmallows)

1 cup almonds (chopped) -or- 4 oz. bag [optional item]

1 tsp vanilla extract

Line a 9" x 9" pan with aluminum foil and set aside.

Place white chips, vanilla, almonds (optional) and marshmallow cream into a 3-quart saucepan (or Pyrex bowl) and set aside. Heat milk at Medium setting until warm then add sugar. Bring to a rolling boil (Medium-High), stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Continue to boil for [8] full minutes -or- if using a candy thermometer continue boiling until the boiling temperature reaches 235degreesF but do not exceed 9 minutes rolling boiling total. Remove from heat and add butter. Stir until dissolved (but no more than 30 seconds).

Pour hot mixture over white chips, vanilla, and marshmallow cream without scraping the sides of the hot saucepan. Mix until the chips are melted. Mix thoroughly and cast into prepared pan. Cool at room temperature. Chill in refrigerator prior to cutting. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares.

Home chef Peanut Patty
Ola, United States
 about 19 years ago


1/2 cup butter

2 1/2 cup sugar (extra-fine granulated preferred)

5 oz. evaporated milk (one small can)

12 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips (Hershey'sâ„¢ or Nestleâ„¢)

7 oz. marshmallow creme/fluff (1 Jar)

1 cup walnuts (chopped) -or- 4 oz. bag [optional item]

1 tsp vanilla extract


1. Line a 9" x 9" pan with aluminum foil and set aside.

2. Place chocolate chips, vanilla, and marshmallow cream into a 3-quart saucepan (or Pyrex bowl) and set aside.

3. Chop walnuts and set aside (optional).

4. Heat milk at Medium setting until warm then add sugar. Bring to a rolling boil (Medium-High), stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Continue to boil for 8 full minutes -or- if using a candy thermometer continue boiling until the boiling temperature reaches 235degreesF but do not exceed 9 minutes rolling boiling total.

5. Remove from heat and add butter. Stir until dissolved (but no more than 30 seconds).

6. Pour hot mixture over chocolates, vanilla, and marshmallow cream without scraping the sides of the hot saucepan. Mix until the chocolates are melted. Add walnuts if desired. Mix thoroughly and cast into prepared pan.

7. Cool at room temperature. Chill in refrigerator prior to cutting.

8. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares.

(c) 1997 T. P. Skaarup, original recipe. May be copied unaltered. All rights reserved.

You may substitute 2 cups of mini-marshmallows for 7 ounces (1 jar) of marshmallow creme.



(c) 1997 T. P. Skaarup, original recipe. May be copied unaltered. All rights reserved.

A favorite with the kids! Made the same as Skaarup's Fantasia Fudge but with three small difference:

(1) Omit the unsweetened chocolate,

(2) add 1 1/2 to 2 cups of miniature marshmallows, and (3) a different way of mixing of the Helpers just before casting.

1/2 cup butter

2 1/2 cups sugar (extra-fine granules)

5 oz. evaporated milk (one small can)

12 oz. Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips (Hershey'sâ„¢ or Nestleâ„¢)

2 cup miniature marshmallows (about half a bag)

7 oz. marshmallow cream (1 jar kraftâ„¢ marshmallow creme)(may substitute 2 cups mini-marshmallows)

1 cup walnuts (chopped)

1 tsp. vanilla extract

Line a 9" x 9" pan with aluminum foil and set aside. Place chocolate chips, vanilla, and marshmallow cream into a 3-quart saucepan and set aside. Chop walnuts and set aside. Heat milk at Medium setting until warm then add sugar. Bring to a rolling boil (Medium-High), stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Continue to boil for 7 full minutes -or- if using a candy thermometer continue boiling until the boiling temperature reaches 235degreesF but do not exceed 9 minutes rolling boiling total. Remove from heat and add butter. Stir until dissolved (but no more than 30 seconds)

Pour hot mixture over chocolate chips, vanilla, and marshmallow cream without scraping the sides of the hot saucepan. Mix until the chocolate is melted. Add walnuts and mix again. Immediately before casting add the mini-marshmallows, fold in 2-3 times (edges of marshmallows will start to melt), then cast into prepared pan. Not all of the mini-marshmallows will be covered with the fudge mix. Cool at room temperature. Chill in refrigerator prior to cutting. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares.

Any Variation (see above) can be used to create Rocky Road Fudge. White Rocky Road?!? Experiment.

If you're concerned about your mini-marshmallows might melt too fast (they won't) then you can put the marshmallows covered in the refrigerator. Take out of the refrigerator immediately before mixing. You can also cover any exposed marshmallows with your wooden spoon following casting.

All the marshmallow creme and mini-marshmallows make this recipe very sensitive to too much sugar. Be sure to limit your sugar to a maximum of 2.5 cups.

Some prefer a smoother texture marshmallow instead of the mini-marshmallows. If you want a marbled, creamy variation, make as usual but instead of 2 cups of mini-marshmallows, mix in 7 oz. of marshmallow cream immediately before casting. Fold over 3-5 times then cast. Will need to be cut when cool then refrigerated so that the marshmallow cream won't run (runs at room temperature).

Skaarup's eggnog fudge

Categories: None

Yield: 1 Servings

1/4 c Butter or Margarine; (1/2 stick)

2 1/2 c Sugar

1 c Egg Nog

8 oz White Chips; (about 3/4 package) (up TO 10)

3 oz Marshmallow Creme or Marshmallow Fluff; (about half of the jar) (up TO 4)

1 c Almonds; (chopped), optional

1 ts Vanilla Extract; optional

1/4 ts Nutmeg

(c) 1997 T. P. Skaarup, original recipe. May be copied unaltered. All rights reserved. Line a 9" x 9" pan with aluminum foil and set aside. Place flavor chips, vanilla, and nuts into a 3-quart saucepan or Pyrex glass dish and set aside. Set butter aside to warm. Heat eggnog at Medium setting until warm then add sugar. Bring to a rolling boil (Medium-High) while stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Add the butter. Boil for [4] full minutes by the clock. Now fold in the marshmallow creme and nutmeg; the boil will probably stop until completely dissolved. Bring back to a boil for another [4] full minutes by the clock (start timing once the boil resumes). The mixture will start to turn brown during the boil. If you get brown flakes in the mixture then turn down the heat a little. Remove from heat and pour hot mixture over chips, vanilla, and nuts without scraping the sides of the hot saucepan. Mix thoroughly and pour into prepared pan. At this point you may want to sprinkle a little nutmeg on the surface. Cool at room temperature. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares. NOTE: "Light" Eggnog contains more water than full body Eggnog and may require an additional 90 seconds boiling (before the addition of marshmallows).


Kooky Key Lime Fudge Recipe

The Recipe

(Original recipe. (c) 1997 T. Skaarup. May be copied without modification. All rights reserved.)

1/4 cup Butter or Margarine (1/2 stick)

2 1/2 cup Sugar

2/3 cup Evaporated Milk (or Small 5 oz can)

10-12 oz White Chips

6-7 oz Marshmallow Creme or Marshmallow Fluff (may substitute 2 cups of mini-marshmallows)

1/3 cup Key Lime Juice

1/2 cup Almonds or Macadamia Nuts (coarsely chopped)

1/4 tsp Rum Extract

1 tsp Lemon Extract

Line a 9x9" pan with aluminum foil and set aside. Place White chips, extracts, and nuts into Pyrex glass dish (or a 3-quart saucepan) and set aside. Set butter aside to warm.

Heat milk at Medium setting until warm then add sugar. Bring to a rolling boil (Medium-High) while stirring constantly with a hand mixer (or wooden spoon). Add marshmallow creme and butter and mix until creamy. And the Key Lime juice. Bring back to a boil for [5] full minutes by the clock (start timing once the boil resumes).

The mixture will start to turn a little brown during the boil. If you get brown flakes in the mixture then turn down the heat a little (e.g. down to Medium from Medium-High) and continue to stir.

Remove from heat and pour hot mixture over chips without scraping the sides of the hot saucepan. Mix until chips are melted then mix in nuts. Pour into prepared pan. Cool at room temperature. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares.

NOTE: If recipe is doubled then use a very large saucepan since the marshmallow creme will expand when heated. Boil for [8] minutes (by the clock) after the boil resumes instead of the usual [5] minutes.

NOTE: Key Lime juice is acidic and will cause the milk to curl. While uncosmetic, it should not effect the fudge's ability to set.



Kooky Kool-Aidâ„¢ Fudge

1/4 cup butter or margarine (1/2 stick)

2 1/2 cups sugar

2/3 cup evaporated milk (or small 5 ounce can)

10-12 ounces white chips

6-7 ounces Marshmallow Creme or Marshmallow
Fluff (may substitute 2 cups of mini-

1 teaspoon unsweetened Kool-Aid (orange, grape,
lemon, strawberry or any unsweetened flavor) (1
package is plenty)

1 cup chopped nuts or dried fruits

Line a 9-inch pan with aluminum foil and set aside.

Place white chips, extracts, and nuts into Pyrex glass dish (or a 3-quart saucepan) and set aside. Set butter aside to warm.

Heat milk at medium setting until warm then add sugar. Bring to a rolling boil (medium-high) while stirring constantly with a hand mixer (or wooden spoon). Add Marshmallow Creme and butter. Bring back to a boil for 5 full minutes by the clock (start timing once the boil resumes).

The mixture will start to turn a little brown during the boil. If you get brown flakes in the mixture then turn down the heat a little (e.g. down to medium from medium-high) and continue to stir.

One minute prior to end of the boil add 1 teaspoon (about half a package) of Kool-Aid mix. Stir in well.

Remove from heat and pour hot mixture over chips without scraping the sides of the hot saucepan. Mix until chips are melted then mix in almonds. Pour into prepared pan. Cool at room temperature. Remove from pan, remove foil, cut into squares.

NOTE: If recipe is doubled, then use a very large saucepan since the Marshmallow Creme will expand when heated. Boil for 8 minutes (by the clock) after the boil resumes instead of the usual 5 minutes.

NOTE: You may be tempted to add the WHOLE package of unsweetened Kool-Aid. I'd advise against this. One teaspoon contains enough flavor to make 1 quart of Kool-Aid so it contains plenty of flavoring agent for one batch of fudge.

(Original recipe. (c) 1997 T. Skaarup. May be copied without modification. All rights reserved.)