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Curry wurst?


sean - home chef sean
GTA, Ontario, Canada
 almost 19 years ago

From the helpdesk:

When I was a GI stationed in Berlin we used to eat what was called a Curry wurst. They were sold at almost every corner, it was like a hotdog with a sauce on it. The question is what was it, and how is it made?

E.M, Washingtion, USA


walsh95661 - home chef walsh95661

 almost 19 years ago

I was in Berlin back in the 60s in the AF but only for a week TDY.

I was PP at Rhein Mine but I remember the wurst. I really didn' care for it because I don't like curry.

But, I think it was a rindwurst (beef sausage)

covered with a red curry sauce and finished off with mayonaise.

hope this helps,


bunyip - home chef bunyip
mount compass, South Australia, AU
 over 18 years ago
Recipe in above link

Iris38 - home chef Iris38

 over 18 years ago

Hi Sean,

here's a recipe for authentic German Curry Wurst.

