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Trademark honey baked ham


micmoo - home chef micmoo

 about 17 years ago

I live in Oregon. Just purchased the famous Honey Baked Ham for Christmas dinner. Everyone tells me they are fantastic. When I purchased they told me to not put the ham (already precooked) in the oven - it would dry out - just set it at room temp 1/2-1hour. I tasted the ham - it is very good - but I can't imagine serving cold ham to my dinner guest. I was thinking if maybe I put it in a cooking bag with little water I can maintain moisture. The ham is already spiral sliced. Any ideas or suggestions? I don't want to ruin a $70 ham!


Home chef Peanut Patty
Ola, United States
 about 17 years ago

Honeybaked Ham original cooking directions?
Can anybody tell me the original cooking directions for 7Lb Honeybaked Ham?

I accidentally threw the label with cooking instructions away. Thank you so much

Best Answer - Chef Jons
the ham is precooked and all you need to do is brown and get it hot through out..

.i like to put brown sugar and some cloves and crushed pineapple on the ham it enhances the flavor of the ham..

.omly use about 2 tbsps of cloves ground or for looks you can stick whole cloves in ...looks great..

.the hame is cooked at 350 for 30 to 40 minutes ..

.or until nice brown color..

.merry xmas....