by Ingredient

Down To The Numbers

Statistics About Food

Many people won’t be aware of this statement, but February 3rd is probably going to be the unhealthiest day of the year. The reason for this is because Super Bowl XLII is being held at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.


Now the reason for the high-calorie day is because the Super Bowl is being held in Arizona. It’s actually because of the event itself.

Throughout the years you hear a lot of interesting facts about food and the Super Bowl, and you wonder whether they’re true or not. Even though you might not want to believe, every statistic is pretty much true.

Super Bowl Sunday has become a major event in North America. Some people think because of it’s prestige, it should claimed as a national holiday. If you like devouring chilli and indulging on cheese and nachos, you may agree.


But there’s nothing wrong with enjoying snacks with friends while watching the game. The scheduled date for the Super Bowl every year actually fits well on our calendar.

The day is right after Christmas (candy and chocolate) and comes right before Valentine’s Day (even more chocolate). If you really observe more about your surroundings, you might be able to notice that the male population doesn’t really go ballistic about chocolate on Valentine’s Day.

Could it be because of the large pizzas, bags of chips and cases of beer they enjoyed two weeks before?

It very may well be because the food statistics that come from the Super Bowl are astonishing. It’s surprising how the population of North America can create such facts out of their hunger and lust for a football game.

But overall, it’s the truth and here are just stats that may shock you, put you astonishment or even make you shed a lonesome tear.


Average number of people attending a Super Bowl party = 18


Approximately 11 million pounds of potato chips are eaten on Super Bowl Sunday. So are 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips and 3.8 million pounds of popcorn.

In total, about 30.4 million pounds of snack food is consumed during the event, which is twice the average daily amount.

Increase in the sales of flavoured snack crackers = 68%

Increase in the sales of frozen shrimp = 29%

Amount of money spent on soft drinks at grocery stores during the entire Super Bowl week = $237.2 million

Increase in the sales of beer compared to the average daily total = $11.8 million

Top Super Bowl seller at a grocery store = Frozen pizza

Number of pizzas the Pizza Hut franchise expects to prepare on Super Bowl Sunday = over 2 million

Calories consumed by the average Super Bowl watcher = 1200

Amount of time needed to burn off those 1,200 calories = Four hours walking or an hour and 45 minutes running.


Even the calorie intake for the average person itself is astonishing! It’s embarrassing and also gross to hear about statistics from the Super Bowl. Who knows what they’ll also be eating at the actual game in Arizona.

Surprisingly, a sports broadcaster on television caught a fan in the act. One avid fan at a Cleveland Browns game did the unthinkable. While enjoying the game, he devoured giant roasted turkey legs.

We don’t want to admit we eat our favourite foods and snacks on Super Bowl Sunday, but it’s true. The sad thing is that nutritionists cringe when they think about the annual event because its probably the worst day of the year as far as eating healthy goes.


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