by Ingredient

Cat Poop Cookies

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32 servings


25 min


20 min


2 hrs


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
Chocolate ingredients
½ cup honey Camera
cup butter
margarine, or lard
1 each eggs Camera
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
or peppermint extract
2 cups whole-wheat flour Camera
cup cocoa powder Camera
1 x grape nuts cereal *
Gingerbread ingredients
¼ cup honey Camera
¼ cup molasses Camera
cup butter
or margarine, or lard
1 each eggs Camera
2 ⅓ cups whole-wheat flour Camera
1 x ginger
cinnamon, cloves, to taste, (maybe 1/2 tsp each)
* Camera
1 x grape nuts cereal *
1 x coconut
* Camera
1 x chocolate chips * Camera
1 x butterscotch chips * Camera
1 x peanut butter chips * Camera
1 x ramen noodles
or spagetti, cooked
* Camera
1 x corn * Camera
1 x peanuts * Camera
1 x pastry *
Trans-fat Free, Good source of fiber, Low Sodium


*NOTE: puff pastry things are to look like the cat ate styrofoam packing pellets-i haven't tried this TO MAKE: microwave the honey until it bubbles(about 1 minute). Add the butter,(i've been told using lard makes for a more realistic texture and softer cookie) and the molasses, if any. Add the egg, mix well, then mix in all the other stuff. Add mix-ins of your choice to some or all of the batter. Chill 1 hour in the freezer or several hours in the fridge. Roll dough logs of random length and the diameter of cat poops. Roll logs in grape- nuts and bake at 350℉ (180℃) until done(maybe 10 to 15 minutes but with my flaky oven you never know). Serve in a disposable cat litter box on a bed of grapenuts, with a cat litter scoop. You get lovely effects by decorating the box and scoop with melted chocolate or pudding. Brown sugar might work as a substitute for the new clumping litters, but i havent tried it. This recipe worked especially well at the halloween party where the table was already decorated with plastic flies.

* not incl. in nutrient facts Arrow up button


Captain Planet

5749calories a serving.
WTF? Are you trying to kill someone?


Just updated the recipe, should be 32 servings, 179 calories per serving.


this is the most delicous food ive ever had! i had it once at a friends house.i think his mom was trying to hide it because it was on the floor in their laundry room.but let me tell you it was so deliciouss!!!!



Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 40g (1.4 oz)
Amount per Serving
Calories 179 45% from fat
 % Daily Value *
Total Fat 9g 14%
Saturated Fat 6g 28%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 32mg 11%
Sodium 83mg 3%
Total Carbohydrate 8g 8%
Dietary Fiber 3g 11%
Sugars g
Protein 7g
Vitamin A 6% Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 2% Iron 11%
* based on a 2,000 calorie diet How is this calculated?

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