by Ingredient

Beef, dried aka beef erky

About the ingredient beef, dried aka beef erky. Including 3 recipes with beef, dried aka beef erky.



In Chinese:牛肉,干又名牛erky
British (UK) term: Beef, dried aka beef erky
en français:boeuf, aka viande séchée Erky
en español:carne de vaca, carne de vacuno Erky aka seca

Recipes using beef, dried aka beef erky

There are 3 recipes that contain this ingredient.


Tom's Jerky Stew

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Tom's Jerky Stew recipe


Cheese Ball No. 3

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A delicious cheese ball made out of cream cheese and savory dried beef.


Beef Swiss Cheese Quiche

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A simple and scrumptious quiche made with dried beef and swiss cheese.

All 3 recipes

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