An easy slow cooker version of corned beef.
Easy pork chops and beans for your slow cooker.
Sweet potatoes wit apple cider, cinnamon and bacon for your slow cooker.
Easy beef and noodles for your slow cooker.
Light and tasty. A quick and easy way to prepare a delicious fish dish.
Dolphin fish, AKA Mahi mahi served on top of a red onion couscous with a fresh Papaya Avocado salsa. Wonderfully presented and delicious.
These lentil burgers are packed with flavor and goodness.They can be served on top of hamburger bun, with some chutney or whatever your favorite toppings; or just have these tasty burgers with some fresh vegetable salad to complete a meal.
A sweet and savory chutney perfect for veggie burgers or on the side along with curries.
Slow roasted (in a slow cooker) pork ribs in golden mushroom soup.
Crockpot Taco Steak and Rice recipe
This salad is subtle and very refreshing. There are a variety of textures-chewy cold noodles (bean thread noodles, some call them cellophane noodles 'cause when you boil them they become clear), crunchy sesame seeds, and crunchy cucumber slices. Sugar salt, and vinegar combine harmoniously, each understated but very much present.
A simple and tasty treat that makes a great light snack between meals.