Acorn squash baked with maple syrup.
Shiitake mushrooms, a few different vegetables, garlic-black bean sauce, and glass noodles make this soup packed with great flavors and nutrients. Enjoy it with a refreshing and light salad aside.
An easy yet tasty sauce is made with tomatoes, almonds, chili and garlic. Toss it with pasta, top it as a topping for hot dog... YUM!
This quick, easy and delicious tortilla pizza is made with whole wheat tortilla, basil pesto, fresh vegetables, pickled jalapenos and mozzarella cheese. Perfect for breakfast or brunch.
A quick, easy and delicious recipe for you to make a simply tasty meal within ten minutes.
Summer White Bean Soup recipe
These pancakes are low in fat and loaded with protein from the lentils AKA dhals. Not to mention quite tasty.
Middle Eastern Sandwiches recipe
It tasted very refreshing and flavorful. The leftover was kept in the fridge and had it for brunch today, even better.
Marinated artichoke hearts, warm pasts, crunchy cucumber, and juicy tomatoes are tossed together with the marinade juice from artichoke hearts, some red pepper sauce, and fresh cilantro. Quick, easy, and refreshing.
Butternut Soup recipe
Quinoa Tabouli recipe
Quick, easy and delicious. No need to run to the store. This homemade version tastes so much better, and it's good for you.
Refreshing Bulgar salad with garbanzo beans (chickpeas).
Showing 49 - 64 of 1284 recipes