Made this recipe with low-fat sour cream and a bit mayonnaise, deliciously creamy, and loved the fruitiness from the apples. This coleslaw is delicious at many ways, topping for burgers, sandwiches, even hot dogs, pulled pork...
This yummy veggie burger won't disappoint you! Several kinds of spices are mixed into mashed beans, spiced cuacamole spread on top of the burger... Enjoy delicious burgers without feeling guilty!
Don't have pizza dough, not a problem, use store-bought wraps. We can still make freshly baked and delicious pizza!
Fresh vegetables on top, spread the pesto evenly on the pizza dough, sprinkle cheddar cheese on top of the vegetables, great combination for a garden pizza.
Stuffed mushrooms can be very tasty and addictive, but you have to make them right; we don't want the watery and soggy filling with the bland flavor. Follow this recipe that will fix the problems to make some ultimate stuffed mushrooms to impress your family or your friends.
Low-fat plain yogurt, chopped fresh parsley and scallions make the dish creamy and tasty. An excellent way to cook mini potatoes.
A mixture of parsley, oregano, and scallions is added into the shredded potato, sprinkle the smoked cheddar on top at the last a few minutes. Use regular cheddar cheese if you don't have smoked cheddar.
Packed with deliciousness and goodness. A great side dish to go with any main courses, or it can be served as a vegetarian main dish as well.
This refreshing, quick and easy stir-fry satisfy your stomach within a few minutes, serve it with rice, quinoa or any your favorite cooked grain.
Squash Soup recipe
Delicious, my husband made this pizza for supper and I just couldn't stop eating it. I ate half of the pizza, and drizzled some hot pepper sauce on top, spicy and yummy. We will make it again for sure.
Creamy and rich avocado, citrus lime juice, and refreshing cilantro make this delicious and nutritious avocado dip. Dip it with homemade tortilla chips, use it as the filling when you make burritos. Yum!
This is one of my absolute favorite things to make at this time of year. It takes almost no time to prepare, so I’ll whip up a big batch on my day off and then all I have to do when I get home is put it in a bowl or mash it up and put it on toasted bread drizzled with some olive oil. It also makes a great appetizer along with some homemade or store-bought pita chips. Honestly, when serving this as a dip or a spread, I don’t even bother taking out my food processor, I just use the bottom of a glass and mash it a bit.
This kung pao tofu was very tasty. I used two green bell peppers and 1 red bell peppers. Didn't have oyster sauce, so I used housin sauce, and it worked deliciously well.
Vegetarian Shepherd's pie is just as good as regular one, and the refreshing taste from vegetables let you feel so comfortable after enjoying the meal.
Showing 529 - 544 of 2813 recipes