Earthy-sweet beets, peppery arugula and creamy goat cheese are tossed with a red wine vinaigrette. Quick, easy and tasty!
Rum and raisin are a classic combination. Use both of them to give these popcorn a tasty twist. Make sure that you make enough, there will be lots of people who comes for a second or a third one...
If you're tired of meat, then try these scrumptious turkey meatballs that are bound to be gobbled up in seconds!
This recipe comes from one of my Norway friends, she gave me this good recipe: These rolls I make from leftover cake vreks! You can have any kind of cake in it but half of the crumbs must be from chocolate cake. I store leftover in my freezer and make this recipe when I want to.
Instead of mayonnaise, use green olives tapenade to spread the sandwich, which gives the sandwich tangy flavor. Grilling adds the nice smokiness into the these juicy and tender summer vegetables. Delicious and light summer sandwiches.
Mocha Truffles recipe
Cheesy Roasted Pear, Butternut and Leek Soup recipe
This tasty spring salad has seasonal sugar snap peas and arugula that are tossed with a light olive oil-balsamic vinaigrette, caramelized shallots and topped with some fresh goat cheese.
It's the season of fresh produce, such as asparagus and arugula. This refreshing salad has both of these delicious veggies along with red bell pepper tossed with a light and tasty vinaigrette, and topped with some creamy goat cheese or any your favorite creamy cheese.
A delicious way to enjoy some tacos!
It smelled so good when the pizza was baked in the oven, and it tasted so good. The topping ingredients were so yummy, perfectly delicious together. Goat cheese added creaminess and cheesiness. It lasted a few minutes once the pizza came out of the oven...
A fresh and tasty combination of salty, juicy and sweet perfect for a hot day, especially served in the watermelon shell.
Super moist and cheesy bread topped with caramelized shallots or red onions and brushed with basil-olive oil. The aroma from the oven during the baking will fill up your entire house, and this bread will not last long.
Mango Sorbet recipe
Watermelon, feta cheese, olives and mint together make a delicious and refreshing salad that's perfect on a hot summer day!
This tasty curried tofu salad can be used in many ways, as a filling of whole wheat pita, or you can just spread them on top of the toasted bread.
Showing 33 - 48 of 1194 recipes