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Toasted hazelnuts and sage are cooked in browned butter, then toss in blanched sugar snap peas. This deliciously refreshing recipe makes your sugar snap peas sing.
A very light, almost water-like batter that creates the most intensely moist chocolate cupcakes you will ever taste. This cake recipe has NEVER disappointed. It literally will m...
Somewhat similar to chili mac and American goulash found in other areas of the country, this American dish is most prevalent in New England.
Next time when you need a dressing to toss a coleslaw or a fresh vegetable salad, give this quick, easy and tasty dressing a try, and you won't go back to any store-bought ones ...
Sugar snap peas are a sweet and crispy cross between snow peas and garden peas. This technique for blanching ensures your peas stay bright green and perfectly tender crisp.
Serve this rich and creamy shrimp over cooked rice, toast points or pasta.