Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Breaded and golden-fried goat cheese medallions are a great appetizer served with a drizzle of honey, garnished with sliced or diced peppers and spread on baguette slices. Thes...
Very simple easy make chocolate cake with 'OIL' n no condensed milk required ..... tastes delicious... must try!!!!
A delicious variation on the traditional pound cake! As noted in the recipe, the main ingredient measurements are by weight NOT volume. You'll notice that they are all one pound...
Made quick and easy by using canned (unsweetened) coconut milk and canned kidney beans, this is a great accompaniment to jerk chicken.
If you like sweet and buttery, you'll love these little gems. Quick and easy if you use store-bought mini tart shells. Or your could make your own shells out of pastry dough a...
Enjoy a decadent chocolate cake that melts in your mouth. The proof is in the pudding. When you're searching for a delicious dessert, add this one to your recipe repertoire.
Modak is an Indian traditional dish, especially prepared on Ganesh Chaturthi...... Modaks are considered to be the favorite sweet dish of Lord Ganesha......This dish is very del...
This surprisingly delicious recipe always gets so much praise from friends and family. Make sure that you make enough, because it's very easy to come back for second servings! F...