Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Very simple cookies sweetened with natural coconut sugar. Made with pumpkin seeds, which are very rich in magnesium (one of the most important minerals responsible for key phys...
Yoghurt is a great tenderiser for chicken breast, which can be a little tough when cooked without marinating beforehand. Buy organic yoghurt if possible to avoid the traces of ...
Mung beans are a great source of plant protein, fiber and minerals such as iron, zinc and potassium (needed to regulate blood pressure).
Naturally very low in fat, prawns also contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and are a good source of protein. The spices used in the curry are powerful anti-virals, anti-bact...
This is a very simple recipe for roast chicken. Serve with roast vegetables and/or salad. If you opt for grains, choose whole grains such as brown rice instead of white, or mi...
This smoothie packs a real superfood punch with a combination of wolfberries, hemp seeds, chia seeds, maca and spirulina. Wolfberries, hemp seeds, chia seeds and spirulina are ...
Green smoothies are a wonderful easy way of increasing your leafy green intake - if you are new to green smoothies, start slowly and over time add more greens. The pineapple in...
This juice contains camu camu - a South American berry that contains the highest concentration of vitamin C on the planet. It is available in powder form, but if you can't fin...
This is a wonderful detoxifying and blood cleansing juice. Beetroots are a wonder vegetable and have recently been shown in clinical trials to lower blood pressure. They are a...