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Buttermilk dressing gives the cole slaw creaminess in taste by keeps it light without adding much in the way of fat. Fresh chives and parsley keeps the taste bright. A tasty si...
Quick, easy and delicious. This borscht takes very little time to make. All done in the microwave.
Lovely lobster dish on a hot summer night. Just a very nice difference with the orange zest....
Creamy, refreshing, nutty and tangy! This is a absolutely beautiful and delicious dessert that will impress everyone.
The earthy beets, spicy basil, creamy goat cheese and sour-sweet balsamic glaze make this salad with complimentary layers of flavors and textures.
Mascarpone is light and creamy, try to find fresh, local and seasonal blueberries, which make the cupcakes absolutely flavorful. The frosting is made with mascarpone and heavy c...
Grilled peaches are succulent, sweet and slightly sour with the grilling flavor. They are delicious mixed with the baby greens, creamy crumbled goat cheese, and drizzled with ba...
Any tender green can be used in this recipe. Wilted and sautéed greens are brightened with Indian spices with a touch of creaminess.