Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
A bright, silky smooth fruit sauce bursting with raspberry flavor. Perfect to dress up ice cream or cheesecake and especially good with angel food cake or chiffon.
Quick, easy and very tasty! Made this recipe a few days ago, it was simply delicious and we served it with fried rice that we made with the leftover rice. A delicious combinatio...
Flank steak stuffed and rolled into a pinwheel with ham, cheese and a flavor packed mix of ingredients. Guaranteed to wow your BBQ guests that are lucky enough to partake.
Skewered marinated beef kebabs are great for grilling. This recipe features a technique to really maximize the marinade penetration. Add pineapple, peppers and onions for perfec...
Celebrate Canada Day in a style sure to impress family and friends. Mildly garlicky and creamy cheese spread. Perfect when paired with our Maple Leaf crackers.
Maple leaf crackers that a perfect for Canada Day. These small maple leaves are so flavorful. They are so easy to be addicted especially have them with some Canadian cheddar or ...
Fruity, creamy, smooth, satisfying...This easy to make dessert has almost all the satisfactions in it. Definitely not hard to indulge into a second one or even a third. Hmm, yum!
Tired of bringing the same thing to every party or event? Break out of your rut with this delicious festive herring spread!
Fluffy, soft and delicious. This recipe does not use milk. The best bread-cake texture I have ever made or tasted.