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Snow peas, carrots and water chestnuts give this stir-fry the very crunchy texture, and the Asian sauce adds the sweetness, sourness and spiciness. A quick, easy and tasty stir-...
This focaccia turns out crusty outside and fluffy inside, onion and sage add the deliciously refreshing flavor, mozzarella gives the mildly cheesy flavor, and olive oil brings t...
Following this recipe makes a perfect focaccia, fluffy inside, crusty outside, and very flavorful. Several rising processes make the great texture and flavor.
Instead of pizza sauce, used basil pesto, and the combination of the toppings worked deliciously well together. Cheddar and parmesan really added tons of yummy cheesiness, which...
This is loosely based on a Turkish dish I recently learned how to make. It's tomatoy aubergines with rice.
Grilled eggplant is meaty and tender, grilling gives the lots of smoky flavor; it's served with feta cheese, toasted pine nuts and garlicky yogurt sauce over a bed of lettuce. N...
Grilled portobello mushrooms are juicy, tender and flavorful, it's a delicious ingredient that can be used to make a salad, with the slightly bitter peppery arugula, and mild gr...
Grilled sausage, homemade tomato jam and sauerkraut make this sandwich a winner. Enjoy the smoky, sweet and sour flavors all in one bite, and it's a great change from hot dog!
Tender and juicy grilled flank steak is great to make a sandwich, especially when you have leftovers. Herbed goat cheese and caramelized onions sure will add tons of yummy flavo...
Grilled marinated portobello is tender, juicy and flavorful. Place it on the sandwich bread, and a delicious meatless sandwich. Toss some fresh mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, an...