Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Fresh cherry tomatoes, basil, and toasted almonds make this fresh pesto that highlights the fresh ingredients. A very quick, easy and delicious dish! Originates from the Italia...
Sun-dried tomatoes, black olives and goat cheese give the already delicious roasted green beans another layers of tasty flavors. Quick, easy and scrumptious!
Sesame oil and sesame seeds give the roasted green beans extra yumminess. Absolutely delicious with great texture!
Green beans and red onion are tossed with balsamic vinegar, honey, thyme and garlic, then roasted in the oven, which develops the caramelization to the onion, and gives the gree...
Instead of steaming or boiling the green beans, let's roast them instead. Roasting develops tons of flavors into green beans, also gives a very nice texture. This simple recipe ...
Using cooked short-grain brown rice makes this super quick and tasty Asian risotto, it can be an appetizer or a simply delicious meal!
Assorted fresh crunchy vegetables, sour, sweet and spicy sauce, and soba noodles make this quick, easy and tasty cool summer salad!
Once you put the Yaki Sauce on these wings, you'll never use another sauce!
This focaccia turns out crusty outside and fluffy inside. Eating it plain is absolutely tasty and it can be made into a delicious sandwich!