Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
A different kind of chili, not too hot. Serves wonderfully over pasta.
A traditional British dish, Cottage pie may be made by the same method substituting lamb and lamb stock with beef and beef stock,it may also be topped with grated cheese and tom...
My favorite bread recipe, especially toasted with butter, lots and lots...
Nothing says comfort like a bowl of steaming hot beef stew. Choose from our collection of top-rated stew recipes for a hearty meal in a bowl.
Delicious and so easy to make...I make two versions each with nuts and without nuts. The kids really enjoy it with their egg whites in the morning or for snack.
This hearty and healthy Indian style dish is quick-easy to make, and it's tasty.
Adaption of this classic Italian recipes that highlights the chicken, prosciutto and sage with a simple pan sauce topped with crispy fried sage leaves. A quick and easy weeknig...
Instead of frying, oven-baked zucchini sticks are much lower fat, and they taste delicious!
Too many zucchinis? Try this galette that's made with ricotta, mozzarella, parmesan cheese and zucchini; cheesy and tasty filling is held by a flaky and tasty crust.