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Just like the name, this bread pudding is buttery, creamy and it looks beautiful as well. I adapted this recipe from Donna Hay magazine. If you love bread pudding, give it a try...
TVP gives the lasagna beefy texture, the tomato sauce makes the lasagna juicy and flavorful; ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan cheeses add the creaminess and cheesiness . An abso...
Creamy, smooth and light. It's an easy yet delicious pudding that ends the meal with an abundance of joy.
A cheese and garlic sauce served over toasted french bread, or any toasted bread. A tasty starter or even light meal.
Crunchy, refreshing and tasty. A great side dish with any barbecued meat.
Vegan. Sturdy whole meal soup from the south of France. Serve with the carmelized onion and fennel tart or french bread.