Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Quick braising creates a nice texture and flavor. Not mushy or overcooked with simple flavors make it a quick and economical side.
Burger/rice meatballs in a tomato sauce. Good served over mashed potatoes. This recipe makes plenty of leftovers.
These remind me of the holidays because of the cranberry sauce. Sweet and spicy appetizer or served over rice for a meal.
In this recipe, we use both salsa and tomato sauce to make this quick and delicious chili. We like serve this warm chili over a toasted hamburger bun, but just having it directl...
Great smell and supper to come home to on a cold winter day. The roast falls apart and with the vegetables makes a wonderful chunky gravy. Our favorite to serve over garlic ma...
Buttermilk vinaigrette and crispy bacon bring this cabbage salad back to life. It's creamy, tasty and flavorful. A delicious way to turn an economical ingredient into a tasty dish.
Creamy, spicy, slightly sweet and sour peanut sauce makes this scrumptious Asian-style cabbage salad. The salad can be made one day in advance, simply wrap it up and refrigerate...