Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Rice paper is a healthy low calorie option in comparison to other wheat based products. This delicate translucent dumpling allows the diner to see the colourful nutritious veget...
This delicious tropical smoothie is super healthy, refreshing and full of nutrition. At only 183 calories per serving and lots of nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin...
This recipe came about due to our new found love of plantain. Have you ever tried it before? It’s super delicious and we love to eat it fried with honey, so we began to experime...
This delicious and nutritious banana and strawberry smoothie recipe could not be easier. You can use fresh or frozen fruit for this recipe, we usually use frozen as it makes the...
This delicious tomato and lentil soup recipe is super easy to make and full of nutrition. One bowl has only 264 calories, 19g of protein, 16g fibre, and is high in folate, magne...
This quick and easy vanilla porridge recipe is our new favourite breakfast, do we always say that? It’s super easy to make, delicious, creamy and naturally sweet. You can play a...
If you fancy a taste of tropical paradise, then this delicious, healthy and nutritious drink is for you. We’ve made it with frozen fruit so it tastes ice cold, but if you don’t ...
This delicious strawberry frappe recipe is healthy, full of nutrition and tastes divine. We’ve used frozen bananas for this recipe as it makes the drink nice and cold, but if yo...
This delicious leek and potato soup is such a tasty and nutritious winter soup recipe. We love making soup in the slow cooker as it so easy to do and there’s nothing better than...
This delicious chilled avocado and cucumber soup recipe is refreshing, light and full of nutrition. It makes the perfect lunch or starter and is super easy to prepare, so is gre...