Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Start your day with one or two wedges of this cheesy and tasty broccoli frittata with a cup of orange juice or some fresh fruits. It satisfies your taste buds and provides enoug...
Creamy, tasty and flavorful. This delicious soup is packed with flavors and very nutritious, it's creamy but not too rich. Serve it with some crunchy croutons.
Juicy pineapple, sweet peppers, chicken breasts and carrots in a sweet and sour sauce. Easy slow cooker prep.
From McCall's Great American recipe card collection, card #1, group #5, Great American Poultry at it's best!
Cocoa and walnuts create this timeless Great American recipe card collection recipe that brings back the taste of home.
Very low calorie alternative to your typical beef burger. The water chestnuts give the burger a good crunch.
Moist, lemony and delicious. These cupcakes are perfect for dessert after your main dish or even a delicious and nutritious breakfast with cup of smoothie.
Smooth, silky, rich and chocolaty. You can find all these deliciousness in this chocolate pie.
Time saver Swedish meatballs in a creamy sauce that you can turn into a meal with some mashed potatoes or rice.