Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Quick, easy and tasty. This cream of brocoli soup is made of broccoli, milk, sauteed onion and milk.
Use phyllo pastry as the crust, place sauteed mushrooms with thyme at the bottom, then spread the mixture of cheddar and sour cream on top. Let these cute little tarts puff up a...
Fresh vegetables and udon noodles are tossed with creamy, tangy and flavorful Asian peanut sauce that's made with peanut butter, soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil and a little...
A light yet flavorful salad. It's refreshing, tasty and easy to make. Lots of textures and flavors. Creamy, crunchy and delicious.
These delicious yet nutritious sweet potato gnocchi is coated with refreshing and tangy watercress pesto. It's a dish that's packed with flavor and fills you up with all the goo...
Bananas, oats and yogurt make these muffins healthy and moist while the chocolate chips and walnuts add that touch of decadence.
Vegetable medley featuring brussel sprouts and strips of Nori (seaweed) (same stuff that's used to wrap sushi rolls.
Americanized version of Maggie Beer's recipe I saw on Masterchef Australia 2011 the other day.
This spicy dip is both bold and filling. Best served with Scoop Corn Chips. Beware this is a hot & spicy dip...