Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Sweet-juicy watermelon cubes, peppery arugula leaves, salty and creamy feta cheese are tossed with a light balsamic-olive oil vinaigrette. A great summer salad that adds some re...
This family favorite is simple to make by following a few simple steps. The sauce consists 1/3 cup of wine, but it's cooked well enough to get the flavor, but not over-powering....
A much improved tuna casserole that's perfectly sized for two hearty servings. Cheesy creamy and packed with a variety of textures.
This delicious garden spaghetti sauce is packed with goodness and yumminess. It's thick, tasty and goes deliciously well with any recipe that calls for spaghetti sauce.
Easy to prepare, and it's loaded with yumminess. Crunchy sugar snap peas, browned mushrooms and tofu cubes with some sweet bell pepper and carrots make this quick and tasty dish...
Sweet, sour and slightly spicy. Cucumber, sweet bell pepper, carrots, wood ears and smoked tofu are tossed with rice vinegar, maple syrup, sesame oil, soy sauce and Korean chili...
Honey nut flavored cream cheese spread on grilled peach halves makes a very quick and easy summer dessert. A little drizzle of extra honey tops it all off. A nice change to yo...