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An authentic creole seasoning from Emeril Lagasse, many uses in Cajun cooking and Cajun recipes.
Fresh blueberries, roasted sweet corn, soy bean, red bell pepper and peppery arugula are tossed with a white wine vinegar-olive oil vinaigrette. It's a light and tasty summer sa...
Try serving this with softened vanilla or cinnamon ice cream, or with cinnamon whipped cream. To make the latter, whip some heavy cream with a pinch of cinnamon. You can serve t...
Regular vanilla frosting. Extra things may be added to enhance different flavors if desired.
A serving size is a dozen. How to substitute Crisco shortening for regular butter or margarine in any recipes; 1 cup Crisco + 2 tablespoons water= 1 cup butter or margarine.
A very simple, yummy spaghetti recipe for anyone to make or enjoy! Serving sizes are half a cup each.