Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Use some whole wheat flour to replace all-purpose flour; use canola oil and applesauce to replace some of butter. Give these date pinwheel cookies a healthy twist. They not only...
Fresh sweet cherries and quinoa are tossed with celery, creamy goat cheese, toasted almonds and tangy white wine vinaigrette.
A twist on a different oriental spaghetti recipe I found created this easy yet flavorful Asian stir-fried spaghetti with veggies for dinner last night!
Soy sauce, sichuan hot chili oil, sesame oil, rice vinegar... These tangy Chinese seasonings make this quinoa and edamame salad taste absolutely flavorful, and it's a delicious ...
Creamy cheesecake bars with fresh raspberries and a chocolate crust.
A nice alternative to meat burgers, these are packed with veggies and are a good source of protein. Suitable for pan frying or grilling.
You will love how tasty this salad is. You can serve it as a side dish, or just have it for a simply flavorful yet nutritious main course.
Quick, easy yet delicious, an ideal week-night meal. Sichuan spicy oil really adds lots of yumminess, you can find it in most Asian or Chinese grocery store. Use any vegetables ...
Another dish from my childhood memories, and it's my all-time favorite dish that my mom used to make very often. All the ingredients are inexpensive, but the salad tastes so ref...