Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
This is a great Sunday recipe, because I usually have everything on hand and don't need to go to the store.
This simplest of pesto recipes becomes an easy and delicious cracker spread by adding softened cream cheese.
I cooked this soup 3 times lately, and the best base is turkey- chicken stock in my opinion. Just a summer soup made of many stems.
India is known for its delicious recipes. When it comes to food, there are umpteen kinds of dishes available throughout the length and breadth of the country. On the occasion of...
An easy and flavorful weeknight meal is all in one dish.
With a fresh berry filling accented with a hint of lemon, this crunchy-topped pie satifies lovers of both pies and fruit crisps.
A modernize and healthified version of this quick and easy reduced fat casserole that has been sized for two servings.
Sooji idli, a quick and simple tea-time snack that is low in fat, this is a perfect option for health conscious people. I’ve used low-fat curds to impart a nice taste and to mak...
Brussel sprouts seasoned with olive oil and spices, then roasted to perfection.