Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Kulfi is a very popular Indian ice cream. Kulfi comes in a variety of different flavors. Traditional kulfi is flavored with cardamom; this recipe is flavored with cardamom and a...
Vegetable Korma is a delicious combination of several vegetables in a creamy sauce. It is often served in Indian restaurants. Korma can be served with any Indian bread or rice.
An exciting blend of vegetables and spices is sealed inside wrappers, then baked until crisp. Delicious and crunchy without deep frying! I’ll keep it short today. I’d like to th...
A quick and refreshing summer salad is an ideal side dish to go with the summer BBQ.
Assembles quickly with a creamy Parmesan sauce and fresh bread crumbs baked until crispy and golden brown. This version of Cauliflower Gratin yields a clean flavor and is perfe...
This flavorful brisket recipe is the best we have tasted. Recipe was given to me by my beloved mother-in-law, Wanda (Fab) Carmona. Enjoy over a toasted roll or rice.
This was a family favorite when I was growing up and became a must-have with my young sons. Zesty thick chili served over Fritos - This recipe will become a family favorite!!!
A fresh take on spinach salad. This sweet and savory salad is a wonderful alternative to the bacon and tomato variety.
This Delicious Hot Sandwich Is Great To Eat On A Chilly Afternoon! Hot Off The Grill...Steamy Hot!! ...Or On Any Day For Me!! Melted Soy Mozzarella With Broccoli Rabe All Grille...
Great ribs, sticky, succulent and totally David Chang or Momofuko fame.