Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
My beloved Mother-in-Law gave me this recipe and it continues to be our family's favorite brisket recipe.
We entertain a lot and our friends love Mexican Food. Here is a very manageable feast to create for your friends and family. Chicken Fajitas with Green Chile Salsa, Spanish Ri...
These take the original Rice Krispy treats made with marshmallows to something really delicious and decadent!
This is an easy-to-make salsa that takes a jar of green salsa to new heights!!! Serve with Judi's Chicken Fajitas.
Kale is the new "IT" product with chefs and home cooks alike discovering the health benefits of this dark, leafy green. This salad recipe is easy to create and delicious on it'...
On a hot summer evening, this is a refreshing version of the typical mayonnaise laden potato salad. Serve with grilled fish or chicken and sherbet for dessert!
Only 5 ingredients make for this easy side. Look for small whole button mushrooms for this.
Equally good on the grill or in the oven. Ooey gooey cheesy yumminess baked in a foil packet for no-fuss easy cleanup.
Fresh flavors bring chicken breast to life. The smoky and salty bacon wrapped around a classic caprese combination of basil, tomato and gooey mozzarella cheese make this an awe ...