Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Potstickers are basically Chinese dumplings, just cooked differently. Instead of boiling in the water, you cook them in a hot pan with a bit oil and a bit water to develop a ni...
Grilled cheese is probably one of the easiest and tastiest foods to make. The warm-oozy cheese and nicely browned bread are just irresistible. You can add whatever you like in...
This sauce is a great sub for run-of-the-mill guacamole. Excellent served with most Mexican dishes, especially chicken chimichangas, and will compliment grilled seafood and chi...
An Asian-style vegetarian soup that is quick and easy to prepare, packed full of protein, and vitamins.
A cozy and comfy miso stew is ideal for cool fall and cold winter. Sweet potato, tofu (or you can use cooked chicken or pork meat instead), and mushrooms are browned with garlic...
Who doesn't love cinnamon rolls? Probably everyone does. How can you not love these yummy rolls that are made with pumpkin puree and whole wheat flour. They are packed with good...
Pumpkin puree and evaporated milk make this bread moist and delicious. It's made with 100% whole wheat flour, but it doesn't look, feel and taste whole wheat at all. It comes ou...
Melt In Your Mouth Vegan Corn Tortillas! Yellow Corn Tortillas Were Used In This Dish!! Quick And Easy To Make!5
Chunks of apples and buttermilk make these cupcakes incredibly moist and delicious. Use most whole wheat flour, some vegetable oil and some butter to make these cupcakes a lot h...