Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Something quick, easy and tasty is always great for a busy week-night meal. This pasta with mushroom pea marinara sauce can be done within 20 minutes. It's loaded with yummine...
Warm applesauce is cooked with a bit cinnamon and maple syrup, then filled into the folded whole wheat crepes. These delicious yet healthy crepes are ideal for breakfast. Mak...
Being creative is always the way to go, especially in cooking. Add some thin apple slices into the crepe batter to make some apple crepes for breakfast. Warm, tasty and packed...
Spread with a thin layer of tomato sauce or pizza sauce, topped with broccoli florets, olives, mushrooms and a few other veggies. Feel free to add cheddar cheese on top of the ...
This easy yet tasty Korean salad is so refreshing. It goes deliciously well with any of the main courses, Korean or not. Cucumber and radishes add some nice crunch to the sala...
Use homemade or store-bought marinara sauce, a few fresh vegetables and pasta to make this quick, easy and tasty one-pan meal that's ideal for a busy week-day supper.
Onions, bell peppers and plums are arranged over the bread dough or pizza dough that's brushed with garlic olive oil. It's a cheese free flatbread but still so yummy.
Quick-easy to make, and it tastes delicious. This is a dairy-free flatbread, garlic-infused olive oil is brushed over the bread dough and topped with onions, bell peppers, oliv...
A tasty family staple recipe that is easy to make and beats any jarred sauce.