Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
A soup which is a combination of Mediterranean garlic soups with a 17th century East European fava beans soup. Quite good.
January 23rd is National Pie Day! To celebrate, Twisted Butter Chef Jane Johnson has created the perfect, flaky pie crust to complement America’s favorite sweet cherry pie. She...
Make this easy, tasty yet nutritious burrito for breakfast, lunch, or any time of the day when you feel hungry. It not only fills you up, but also provides you all kinds of nut...
Simple and filled with veggies and wonderful flavor - for those on the Medifast plan it counts as: 1 lean 2 healthy fats 1.5 green 1 condiment
Creamy and rich avocado, citrus lime juice, and refreshing cilantro make this delicious and nutritious avocado dip. Dip it with homemade tortilla chips, use it as the filling w...
Quick, easy and tasty, nothing is quite like a Chinese stir-fry. This dish has several kinds of vegetables and soy-sesame sauce that are stir-fried together. Serve it over a b...
Basil pesto, marinated artichoke hearts, fried egg and some hot pepper sauce are topped on a slice of rosemary-olive oil bread.
This quick, easy and delicious tortilla pizza is made with whole wheat tortilla, basil pesto, fresh vegetables, pickled jalapenos and mozzarella cheese. Perfect for breakfast o...
Spread some pizza sauce over a few slices of toast, arrange a few marinated artichoke hearts and half fried egg over each toast. Drizzle a bit hot sauce on top. A quick, easy ...