Browse the latest new recipes for dinner ideas
Roasting probably is the best way to cook brussels sprouts, it really develops tons of yumminess. Simply toss roasted sprouts with a bit good olive oil, roasted walnuts, dried ...
This dish is excellent with the Zucchini Raita!! Rich and creamy with a squirt of lemon juice over it!! ..mails well with the Vegan Chicken Chops!! This dish echos the harmonies...
Store-bought chocolate ice cream mixed with toasted walnuts and dried cherries, with homemade oreo cookies make these addictively delicious ice cream sandwiches that will for su...
Unlike classic hummus, this one is made with chickpea, almond butter and light sour cream. It tastes incredibly creamy and delcious. If you are a big fan of all of these three...
These parmesan and olive oil crackers are so delicious and packed with goodness. Make sure to bake enough, because everyone can't get the hands off these yummy crackers.
This healthy main dish is cooked completely on the grill and is flavored by a simple, four-ingredient marinade!! Excellent with grilled rustic bread served alongside. I like to ...
A light, delicious and refreshing salad. Serve it as a simply tasty side dish or a meatless main course.
This turns out similar to pita and takes about 10 minutes to have ready. Perfect when in a pinch and perfect for use in soups or dips.
This easy pickled chutney can transform rice and leftovers into something special.
A very citrus and moist key lime cake, you don't have to be in the keys, you can still have a slice or two of this delicious cake.