Definitely give this recipe 5 stars. We really had no idea how it would come out before we made it, and the result was outstanding...
Nothing goes better with a steak than a delicious pasta salad like this tasty recipe.
Quick and easy to make, and the salad tastes refreshing and delicious.
A delicious and wholesome meal. Try to use whole wheat rigatoni if you can, it makes the dish even heartier.
Hearty swiss chard, crunchy red pepper, and creamy goat cheese make the pasta load with flavors. A simple and delicious week-day meal that everybody enjoys.
A simple and succulent pasta dish that is the perfect meal to enjoy while watching the evening news.
Bell peppers and sausages are cooked in a tasty tomato sauce, then served over a bed of warm penne. An ideal meal for a busy week night.
A super tasty pasta salad with loads of flavor from the feta cheese, olives, roasted bell peppers and marinated artichoke hearts. A great make-ahead salad that makes leftovers to fight over!
A healthy penne pasta recipe, low fat and loaded with tasty veggies.
Layers of textures and flavors in this salad. Crunchy and fresh bell peppers, sweet edamade, salty olives, feta and nutty pine nuts together make this salad amazingly tasty.
This dish not only pleases your eyes, but also satisfies your palates. It's packed with heart-healthy ingredients, and it tastes refreshingly delicious.
Made this baked beef ziti for Sean's dinner two days ago, and he absolutely enjoyed it. He said the flavor, seasonings and texture were just perfect. The creaminess and cheesiness from the ricotta and parmesan mixed with ziti were delicious. It was much easier than making lasagna, and it came out so flavorful and tasty!
Sauteed onions and mushrooms are tossed with penne, fresh arugula, and parmesan. An easy yet tasty meal is on one plate within less than 30 minutes. Using whole wheat penne makes it even healthier.
Showing 33 - 48 of 453 recipes