Easy Chicken Cordon Blue, stuffed chicken breast with ham and Swiss cheese with a quick sauce.
This savory dish is perfect for a special dinner for two. Goes well with a fresh loaf of garlic bread!
These lovely maple syrup roasted sweet potatoes are tasty with a nice crust to the skin, not mushy at all. The slightly tart but sweet carmelized exterior is a refreshing chang...
Used snow peas, mushrooms and red peppers for the veggies, and didn't add any cashews. It still came out delicious.
An excellent super quick and easy Chinese stir-fry that highlights the crisp textures and flavors. Very nicely balanced and it's ready in less than 15 minutes flat! Faster than ...
Asian flavors ring true in this orange scented Chinese chicken with snow pea pods.
This recipe was so easy to make, and it was scrumptious. The ricotta and mozzarella combination was excellent, cherry tomatoes were added into canned tomato, which gave the toma...
Don't have a bread machine? Well you don't need one when you have an easy crockpot recipe to follow to create the best banana bread you've made!
Succulent grilled chicken breasts are served with a creamy-herb sauce. YUM!
A simple and succulent pasta dish that is the perfect meal to enjoy while watching the evening news.
Has a great flavor - very moist. A lighter color than some Banana Nut breads. The best I've ever tasted.
Rich yet light in texture the broccoli, swiss and bacon are a great combination. Was very easy to downsize into one serving and bake in an individual baking dish. Very easy prep.
A traditional and delicious spaghetti sauce that can easily be made with the help of your slow cooker.
My mother and I made these cookies when I was little, many years ago, using the box of dry mincemeat. I have looked for years for the recipe, they are the best cookies ever!!!