This is an excellent way to prepare beets. Reminiscent of potato pancakes, shredded beets and carrots are mixed with eggs and then cooked in a skillet until crispy on the outsi...
This is a great way to use up leftover Choux pastry to make quick and easy puffy cheese appetizers.
Shiitake mushrooms, tofu, bok choy and carrots are cooked together with ginger, sesame oil, oyster sauce and broth. Tons of fresh and delicious flavor. Yum!
My version of this classic Italian dish. This is a very interesting recipe. Actually I've tried this already and I was very impressed by its taste. Try this too so that you will...
"Fluffy cream cheese filling sandwiched between two moist pumpkin cookies make these Mini Pumpkin Whoopie Pies the perfect hand-held snack you just won't be able to resist!"
We use zucchini to make these pancakes, with parmesan cheese and shallots, very tasty.
Chicken is marinated with blueberry jam and balsamic, let chicken tast very delicious, cooked with shallots, every word about tasty can be used in this recipe.
This cheesecake is amazingly chocolatey and delicious. It screams out the cherry flavour. Definitely worth the effort.
These delicious salmon cakes are so easy to make, and well satisfy your appetite. Well balanced flavor, texture and nutrients, and the ingredients are reasonably economical as ...
Salisbury steak stuffed with cheese and smothered in onion gravy. Deceivingly easy homemade Salisbury steak with a surprise inside.
I have made this recipe many times for my husband who is from Morocco. I had this recipe book and lost it--finding the recipe here was great. This is one of his favorites. I wou...