Say cheers to this scrumptious dish that will have you savoring every bite of it!
Start of your journey to making sushi with this easy-to-follow recipe that creates no problems!
Serve these kabobs as an appetizer with the sauce for dipping, or as sandwiches. Slather the sauce on warmed pita and place the chicken in the pockets along with sliced tomatoe...
A scrumptious hash brown breakfast casserole with sausage (or bacon) that’s perfectly sized for two servings.
Meaty loin chops cooked in a tropical barbecue sauce, sweetened with pineapple. A taste of the islands.
Sesame oil and sesame seeds give the roasted green beans extra yumminess. Absolutely delicious with great texture!
A great Sandwich maker and a light Summer Main Dish with a side salad, or as a salad topper, or stuffed into a Wrap or Tomato. Best served next day as flavors will have blended ...
This is one of the best butternut squash casserole I have ever made. There were lots of flavors and textures going on. We made half of the recipe, I added some buttermilk powder...
Roasted squash and apple gave the soup lots of yummy flavor, chopped hazelnuts added some crunchy texture and nuttiness. We served it with a savory pie together, perfect. Or you...
Easy and quick chicken and brocolli with noodles all made in a single pot all in less than 30 minutes.
Sauteed mushrooms are mixed with asparagus and two kinds of cheese, phyllo pastry turns out golden brown and crispy. Easy to make, and tastes delicious!
With fresh seasonal vegetables and phyllo pastry, these tarts come out beautiful and delicious. We like asparagus and green onions, feel free to use any fresh green vegetables t...
Roasted Poblano pepper along with a filling bean and Jack cheese grilled to perfection.
"A tall, impressive cake that showcases the flavors and smells of the holidays. A three-layer extravaganza with a touch of molasses and shredded apple to keep it moist. It fills...
This is one of the most popular dips I make at all of my parties. From football to holidays, it is always the first dish to be empty!