Grilled new potato, crunchy green beans, feta and olives are tossed with red wine vinaigrette, sprinkling some fresh oregano on top. A light and tasty salad for summer.
Incredibly quick and easy and packed with flavor. Shallow poaching keeps the flavor from leeching into the poaching liquid and then reducing the liquid to make a sauce captures ...
This quick and easy roasted chicken is an absolutely mouth-watering dish. The roasted zucchini and cherry tomatoes are perfectly accompanied with the golden, brown and juicy ch...
Try this healthy chocolate zucchini bread, moist, chocolaty and delicious, also it is much lower fat and calories!
Low-fat ricotta cheese and goat cheese on top of the phyllo, mixed mushrooms with leeks cooked in white wine, on top of the cheese, delicious...
This pizza is coated by garlic olive oil, sprinkled with Mozzarella and Parmesan, after baking the cheese is melted with the garlic, topped with some freshly chopped parsley lea...
This yummy veggie burger won't disappoint you! Several kinds of spices are mixed into mashed beans, spiced cuacamole spread on top of the burger... Enjoy delicious burgers witho...
These pineapple muffins are very moist, mixing pineapples into the flour, also place the pineapple wedges at the bottom of the muffin pans, they can be breakfast, snack or a des...
Fresh vegetables on top, spread the pesto evenly on the pizza dough, sprinkle cheddar cheese on top of the vegetables, great combination for a garden pizza.
These multigrain muffins are great for breakfast or snack. Oats, whole wheat flour and cornmeal with fresh or frozen blueberries, plain yogurt and ground ginger make these muffi...
A decadent scalloped potato pie. Buttery and flakey puff pastry, cheesy, juicy and tender potatoes. You just can't have enough of it.
A quick and easy classic Asian flavored beef and broccoli with snow-pea stir-fry.