This is my copycat of the popular salad sold at McDonald's. It's the only thing I eat off their menu and I was anxious to replicate it at home.
Cheesy, oozy and juicy casserole. A delicious way to use up the eggplant without putting too many calories on you.
This recipe was inspired by Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking Vol. 2. It was developed as a shrimp based filling for a small Vol-au-vent.
Make your own home-made tortilla chips for much better flavor and a whole lot less salt. These tortilla chips are flavored with lime and chili powder perfect for a salsa or Chi...
These easy to make mashed potatoes are very smooth and creamy. The garlic is boiled with the potatoes which embeds the garlic into the potatoes.
Famous for their authentic southern BBQ and gourmet meats, 3Bros Butcher BBQ of Bayside, NY offers this recipe to their customers as a good multipurpose rub. It can be prepared ...
An easy yet delicious recipe. I followed the recipe, and used whatever I had on hand. Then just mixed them up, and baked in the oven until the cheese was nicely browned. I let t...
Easy baked chicken and rice. With just minutes of prep and a few simple ingredients, this family-friendly chicken and rice bake is in the oven.