Great for using up turkey left overs after a Holiday feast. The fruit, nuts and seasonings give the salad a unique flavor.
Autumn's fast approaching, so why not try this scrumptious dish that will explore your sense of taste!
No Christmas feast in medieval times was complete without a 'grete pye'. In some recipes, it could contain many varied meats, but quite often only two or three different kinds...
From Massachusettes' Cape. Delightfully different for Thanksgiving,
This is the second recipe I'll post tonight--promised it to AH earlier tonight. My mother found this recipe 35 or so years ago in a magazine and it has become a family favorite....
I have made a Thanksgiving goose every year for at least 15 years. I have steadily gained on making the perfect bird but I finally found the greatest recipe ever.
An authentic german dish, 'Dampfnudle' may be served sour, with sauerkraut, or sweet, with stewed fruit or vanilla sauce.
A simple, yet scrumptious casserole made with eggplant, bell peppers and juicy tomatoes.
Make your chicken feel special with this unique and tasty recipe that's easy to understand and follow.
A delicious pasta dish that's perfect for a light lunch or dinner when on the go.
A scrumptious salad made with chickpeas and jalapeno peppers that's served with a delicious vinaigrette.
Add a Chinese kick to your coleslaw with this recipe that uses pineapple, water chestnuts and bit of ginger.