Chunks of beef slowly braised in an authentic Chinese manner. Nearly any tough cut of beef can be made magically tender and flavorful with this technique.
Beautiful enough for special spring dinners, yet easy enough for weekday suppers, these chicken breasts are bursting with the fresh flavors of simple ingredients. This recipe ca...
Marinated chicken with yogurt, garlic and greek spices make for a tangy chicken main course. Serve with a greek salad and it's a meal.
There's not much better than smelling the house filled with the aroma from cinnamon buns. These buns are nearly identical to the buns purchase from the Cinnabon chain of stores.
Beef steak strips simmered in a richly flavored sauce. This dish comes together rather quickly, and is so good!
Great, very easy recipe. I'm a horrible cook, but this was so simple and so delicious, that now I can't figure out for the life of me what is the point of pancake mix?
This recipe for an indoor slow cooked (Crockpot) pulled pork takes inspiration from North Carolina. Instead of ham hocks it uses bacon and liquid smoke.
A basic pie crust that can easily be made with this simple recipe. Perfect for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas!
With this simple recipe, you will be making this scrumptious pumpkin bread in no time!
A simple and delicious alfredo pasta dish that will have you licking your lips after every forkful.
Instead of tomato sauce, we use milk to make a creamy sauce, and with layers of mushrooms and cheese. It's just so easy for you to fall in love with this succulent lasagna.
A baked potato with a twist. The potato is sliced about 90% and fanned out slight letting seasonings become baked inside the potato. Topped with gooey cheese this create a new...
My whole family loves these! Mom always made them for "chicken n' dumplimgs". Mmmmm Good!!!